Oxy Elite Pro and precycle info


Gym Trainer
Looking for info regarding Oxyelitepro, I just bought a bottle to try and cut some fat and lean up before I start my cycle(Tren A, Tren E, Prop, Cyp, Anavar, Winstrol, & Durabolin). I'm ta"king Tribulus Pro, Bcaa's Glutamine, Glucosamine,Milk Thistle, Cranberry Extracy, & Whey Protein. Is their any other supplements I should take in conjuction with what I'm taking now for precycle. Also wanna kno if anyone has any suggestions about what supplements I should take during my cycle.Any info would be appreciated. Thanks
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var + Winstrol (winny) being orals will need liver52, or some liver forumla. Milk thistle, in higher amounts, for long periods of time has been shown to down regulate the androgen receptor...

so why take something that could possibly have a negitive effect.....?

liver52, NAC, Hawthorn berry (for blood pressure), cissus (joints) & fish oil should all be used most of the cycle.

aside that.............whey/bcaa/creatine/beta alanine.
Thanks for the info regarding long term oral anavar/winny use but I only intend on taking 200 10mg vars and 1 10cc bottle of winnys for a short period of time before I start bulking.
WTF are you taking all that juice for? How old are you? Oxyelite pro contains stims too and there should be no need for it unless your diet sucks, especially on tren.
I'm 27 and I have good eatting habits. This is my 6th cycle. I'm. Taking the var/winny and tren A for a month or so to get a good cutting base, then the Tren E, Prop and Cyp for 45 days of bulking and I might do a lil deca before I start my post cycle therapy (pct) to help with keepin the gains. I kno its a lot but I'm only doing 1-2 bottles of each.
Not trying to be an ass, but that sounds like a horrible cycle. What are your stats and previous cycles including dosages and lengths?