Recent content by Shomas_23

  1. S

    My next cycle!!

    i understand, and i plan to... this is part of my research, ive made the order so its on the way but when i start will be when im ready... thanks!
  2. S

    My next cycle!!

    i know ur supposed to do 300mg-700mg per week but i dont have enough ace to run 300mg per week for ten weeks..
  3. S

    My next cycle!!

    yeah its a beg bulk cycle i added the tren and winn... and no tren ace "100" is just the mg/ml ill be on 200mg per week ... and 500mg of the test per week..
  4. S

    My next cycle!!

    GP Test Cyp. 250 week 1-10 GP Tren Ace 100 week 1-10 GP Methan 10 week 1-4 GP Anastrozole week 1-10 GP Winn week 8-12 Should i add anything else? also I've been working out mon, wed, fri, 4 sets of 10 on each lift do about 4 lifts per body part, 4 back lifts 4 legs etc...
  5. S

    legit steriod sites!!!?!!!

    alright.. thanks man
  6. S

    legit steriod sites!!!?!!!

    how can i find a good source? if im allowed to ask that question lol...
  7. S

    legit steriod sites!!!?!!!

    yeah my b... i hadn't read the rules yet...
  8. S

    legit steriod sites!!!?!!!

    ? if not what are some legit websites?
  9. S

    gp oral tren!!!

    Does anyone know anything about this steriod? what kind of results?, is the gp version is well dosed etc? thanks..
  10. S

    how did the gp-oral tren go?

    how did the gp-oral tren go?