My next cycle!!


New member
GP Test Cyp. 250 week 1-10
GP Tren Ace 100 week 1-10
GP Methan 10 week 1-4
GP Anastrozole week 1-10
GP Winn week 8-12

Should i add anything else? also I've been working out mon, wed, fri, 4 sets of 10 on each lift do about 4 lifts per body part, 4 back lifts 4 legs etc.. wondering if going more than just three days a week would do better?... i know you need down time to rebuild but i feel like 4 days is too much and i like to be in the gym. this is supposed to be a bulking cycle. any advice is appreciated thanks!
GP Test Cyp. 250 week 1-10
GP Tren Ace 100 week 1-10
GP Methan 10 week 1-4
GP Anastrozole week 1-10
GP Winn week 8-12

Should i add anything else? also I've been working out mon, wed, fri, 4 sets of 10 on each lift do about 4 lifts per body part, 4 back lifts 4 legs etc.. wondering if going more than just three days a week would do better?... i know you need down time to rebuild but i feel like 4 days is too much and i like to be in the gym. this is supposed to be a bulking cycle. any advice is appreciated thanks!

Ok - this post alone is enough to tell me that you're not ready for steroids.

First, if you need workout advice go post in the training section. Since you don't have your routine down and don't know what works best for your body you obviously aren't anywhere near your natural potential. This means you can make solid enough gains without steroids (and avoid the damage to your body) if you just stuck to a solid diet and work out routine.

Second, your cycle sucks. No offense. Not only that, but it's too much gear for a newbie. You DEFINITELY don't need that much gear to grow. More gear doesn't necessarily mean more gains. Especially if you're as unprepared for steroids as I think.
GP Test Cyp. 250 week 1-10
GP Tren Ace 100 week 1-10
GP Methan 10 week 1-4
GP Anastrozole week 1-10
GP Winn week 8-12

Should i add anything else? also I've been working out mon, wed, fri, 4 sets of 10 on each lift do about 4 lifts per body part, 4 back lifts 4 legs etc.. wondering if going more than just three days a week would do better?... i know you need down time to rebuild but i feel like 4 days is too much and i like to be in the gym. this is supposed to be a bulking cycle. any advice is appreciated thanks!

Is 100mg of Tren Ace all your doing in a week or was that just extremely vague?
Is this one of those cycles that one of the sources through together and sells? Very familar and all GP.

yeah its a beg bulk cycle i added the tren and winn... and no tren ace "100" is just the mg/ml ill be on 200mg per week ... and 500mg of the test per week..
yeah its a beg bulk cycle i added the tren and winn... and no tren ace "100" is just the mg/ml ill be on 200mg per week ... and 500mg of the test per week..

Test E for 10 weeks is a good beginner cycle. but honestly man if ur asking questions like that u r not ready. U should already know how ur body reacts to diff training techniques and also diet,rest,etc. maybe stay natural and study for little while longer or get some creatine and maybe a natty test booster.
Test E for 10 weeks is a good beginner cycle. but honestly man if ur asking questions like that u r not ready. U should already know how ur body reacts to diff training techniques and also diet,rest,etc. maybe stay natural and study for little while longer or get some creatine and maybe a natty test booster.

i understand, and i plan to... this is part of my research, ive made the order so its on the way but when i start will be when im ready... thanks!
I agree with biNtasty, if your gonna cycle(which u are cuz it's on it's way) and it's your first time do test only. I get great gains on test only cycles that I do as long as your in check. That cycle has alot of compounds in it plus Tren is not one for a beginner. Do yourself and your body a favor and research and learn how your body reacts a compound at a time.