Recent content by shortz

  1. shortz

    Air or no Air?

    That's exactly why it's done in the first place. The suction builds up and just makes it a bit more difficult to draw it up. When dealing with the thicker oils, it makes the biggest difference.
  2. shortz

    Air or no Air?

    Air pressure builds up if you don't. Even if you are drawing up from multiple vials, you should still be injecting as much air into the vial so it displaces the oil.
  3. shortz

    the shitz

    I have this problem too. Wanna know what's messed up? I take a week vacation and eat junk almost all week and suddenly my shits clear up and I get those shits that are so clean, no TP is even needed (yes, I still use it). Then I come back, start eating vegies, high fiber and within a week, it's...
  4. shortz

    Deadlift anaylization

    I think if you're following his routine, you should probably wait for him. The thing is, when you want to start working on a particular lift, you need to start being able to identify strengths and weaknesses. For instance, do you try to squat the weight, or are you all lower back? Where is your...
  5. shortz

    Improving speed

    Building speed and explosive power is a whole other breed of training. You use more Oly lifts and plyometrics. I do know that you do not want to add weight to your actual body, but instead, add resistance to your running. For instance, running with a mini parachute on or inclines. Try doing a...
  6. shortz

    lose fat w/out cardio?

    If you don't care how much muscle you lose, then by all means, eat lower cals without cardio.
  7. shortz

    How many girls have sucked your cock?

    No matter how many it has been, it isn't and never will be enough. This is something you take for granted, then you get married and never get another one for as long as you live.
  8. shortz

    Is ok to have potatoes pan cooked in olive oil (since olive oil is good)?

    This is my opinion also. If you are dieting, then this is in your best interest. Try to keep your carbs early in the day and your fats later in the day.
  9. shortz

    How do you lose fat with out losing muscle by lowering calories?

    Right. Healthy fats will help you lose weight and keep your lipids at healthy levels. We are not talking about hambegers and french fries, we are talking about the fats you get in fish, Olive oil etc.
  10. shortz

    How do you lose fat with out losing muscle by lowering calories?

    You will find that most personal trainers really know little about dieting on an adnvanced level. For the average person, lowering cals is the basic concept. When it comes to athletes(using the term loosely), it is much more than just that. You must find the right combo of macronutrients, timing...
  11. shortz

    why is it hard to "touch" in a shirt?

    BTW, that same kid was benching 235lbs at a weight of 125lbs. He was a wrestler too and cleaned house on the mat.
  12. shortz

    why is it hard to "touch" in a shirt?

    It's all in technique and the kind of shirt you are using. I know of a high school kid that has a great bench at 18 years old. He is benching 275lbs at 145lbs. When he first started using the shirt, he only added about 25lbs to the bench, but within three months of using it, was hitting right...
  13. shortz

    gatorade users

    Maltodextrin can actually help with the absorption of dextrose. They are best used together PWO. Take in about 50-60g of dextrose and about 30-40g of malto.
  14. shortz

    Is flax seed oil bad for men?

    Last time I checked out the capsules, I needed to take half the bottle to get the amount I wanted. Has that changed?
  15. shortz

    Is flax seed oil bad for men?

    Why not just use Olive oil and be done with it? It's alot cheaper and you can't taste it as much. 2 tbs of Flax in my shakes tastes like I stuck my foot up someone's ass, then stuck my foot into the shake.