Recent content by Shrek211

  1. Shrek211

    need advice on current diet

    Currently 6'1 230lb 27 y/o and probably 22-25% bf. My goal is to retain as much of my muscle that I can and lose the bf. I try to do cardio but with being a firefighter and father to a 3 month old, finding time to workout is hard enough let alone doing cardio! I am a firefighter so sometimes its...
  2. Shrek211

    Wondering if I did BMR right?

    Just sent them to ur e-mail. Thanks for the help btw.
  3. Shrek211

    Wondering if I did BMR right?

    I lift roughly 4-5 days/week. Yeah we do train at the station but just scenario's, 60% of the time in full bunker gear.
  4. Shrek211

    Wondering if I did BMR right?

    I also started cardio, was planning on doing 2-3/week. For 30min session's? That sound about right?
  5. Shrek211

    Wondering if I did BMR right?

    Will my strength still stay the same or will it drop with the weigh?
  6. Shrek211

    Wondering if I did BMR right?

    I put very active, due to lifting heavy. I am also a Firefighter so we train every shift in full gear in 100+ heat in FL, so i thought that would be most accurate.
  7. Shrek211

    Wondering if I did BMR right?

    Not 100% sure. I am guessing 20-30%, range. Most of BF is in my belly area.
  8. Shrek211

    Wondering if I did BMR right?

    I did the BMR from the form and came up with 4019 calories to maintain my current weight. So if I wanted to lose weight cut the calories down by 500/day? I am currently trying to lose body fat but keep muscle. I am currently 6'0, 245lbs, 26 y/o, and lift hard 4-5/week for currently 3 yrs. I am...
  9. Shrek211

    What Pre-workout are you using?

    Does N2KTS have a hard crash afterward? I was hooked to 1MR but after workout i would feel supa tired for hours. Is N2KTS the same?
  10. Shrek211

    To much chest sets?

    I was at the gym the other day and some guy comes up to me and tells me I do to many sets/reps so it got me wondering if I was. So what do you think? Currently 6"1 235lbs I start off with 185x15 225x10 275x8 315x5 315x5 315x5 break down 275x 6-8
  11. Shrek211

    Bench help

    I got back into the gym about 10 months ago, and was stuck at 315 for 3 reps. I was doing bench on Monday but now I tried doing DB's on Friday and noticed it help alot with my bench. I am currently doing 315 for 5 reps and hopefully next time it will be 6 rep's.
  12. Shrek211

    Creatine Powder vs Capsules

    does Ancient cause bloating?
  13. Shrek211

    Anyone recommond a good mulit vitamen?

    I been taking Alive multi green, kinda of pricey. Was wondering if any could recommend a good multi green or vitamin?
  14. Shrek211

    What about this?

    I started a new job about 3 weeks ago and I work from 6:30am, usually to 3-5pm. After working in the hot Florida sun all day I have no energy to go to the gym after work. The gym I go to does not open till 6:30am. Was wondering if anyone has had success with Px90? Was thinking about trying it?
  15. Shrek211


    I figured it out!! Goldsgymdamon is trying out his different wrestling characters. You know how wrestlers are good and bad guys, I think he is practicing from what I can see.