Recent content by SlamSpunk

  1. S

    tbol and anavar only cycle

    I said test can cause ed post cycle aka perminant damage as I know loads of people who suffer with it because of test. I think test is more for the people who are going to 100% be training all their life. Id like to think I will be but Im not 100% sure atm. And you cant say it was luck its like...
  2. S

    tbol and anavar only cycle

    I guess thats true but mpb is my biggest issue when it comes to aas. And anavar and tbol are safe on the hair. Ive shaved my head before and thats why I never want to again.lmao I cover my hairline well atm as my hair is thick but I dont want to risk it getting worse. Ive run anavar only before...
  3. S

    tbol and anavar only cycle

    I dont want to be a massive bb I want to just get a better leaner shape so I think test is not the best option for me with my worries on mpb etc.
  4. S

    tbol and anavar only cycle

    I thought ed problems with orals were more during cycle? And I thought test can harm your ed alot more in the long run. This is the only forum where everyone is madly against oral cycles every other forums the members are interested in the results and saying good luck lol. Also they all say with...
  5. S

    tbol and anavar only cycle

    stats: weight 165-170 height 5'10 age 21 time in gym 5 years on and off current time 7 months 5 times a week. bf 13%ish Okay before I start I know Im 21 and some people might think its abit young and maybe you are right but I know many people alot younger who have run alot stronger.cycles with...
  6. S

    My first pin cycle help! hair worries an shizz

    I run var because I wanted more intense workouts and i was going on holidays and i read it was a good first oral cycle. And I did put abit of size on lost bf and maintained my weight maybe slight increase in weight.
  7. S

    My first pin cycle help! hair worries an shizz

    thanks for the input, I only really count my carbs and protein i try to get 200-250g of both a day maybe abit more protein thats excluding shakes. When I say I want to put on weight my diet is so protein based because I want to gain lean weight so Im constantly growing rather than bulking and...
  8. S

    My first pin cycle help! hair worries an shizz

    IvIve deloaded the last week and ive put on abit of bf my weight mesurement was taken before deload. I know most people my age take it as a quick fix even if their training and diet is shit but Im pretty serious about both diet and trainin and Ive done my research on most compounds. 400mg seems...
  9. S

    My first pin cycle help! hair worries an shizz

    Well I thought test would be the way forward if I cant put the weihht on naturally. I can put on weight if I deload but once I start training is when I struggle my diet is heavily protein based so if I could improve my protein synthesis Im sure I could gain the weight? Ive run anavar only with...
  10. S

    My first pin cycle help! hair worries an shizz

    yea I got novla and clomid on deck
  11. S

    My first pin cycle help! hair worries an shizz

    my bf is an estimate i only old weight on my lower back I suppose it probably lower than 15 . I dont really see the point of waiting my diet is good my training is good and I want to use steroids for the reason everyone else uses them , to get bigger faster. And I know most people will agree...
  12. S

    My first pin cycle help! hair worries an shizz

    Okay, Im 21 5"10 about 165pounds 15% bf. P.s My hair is a major issue as i do suffer with mpb however My hair is longish and thick so no problem atm but I dont want it to get worse. Okay so I was going to run test enth at 400mg a week for 10 weeks, I was wondering is that enough and if I was to...
  13. S

    Post cycle therapy (pct) during short anavar cycle?

    I dont know why I use this forum-.- . I dont want to do test because im not bulking , I dont want to lose my hair, i dont want to bloat and everyone looks at people who do bloat stupidly but people who do use it dont realise and they think they look epic. The only oral I would use is anavar...
  14. S

    Post cycle therapy (pct) during short anavar cycle?

    ive had this arfument numorous times in which i give viable reasons to why i do anavar only and everyone elses reply is simply "slam some test in". Im not interested in your view on oral cycles or the test bandwagon at the end of the day id rather be suppressed than shut down simple im 21 with...
  15. S

    Post cycle therapy (pct) during short anavar cycle?

    pct during short anavar cycle? ok i finished an 8 week anavar cycle almost a month ago now i got good results however im goin on holiday in just under 2 months. I just wanted to know would running novla during a 4 week cycle(i know its not long but i got my best results in this time frame) on...