Recent content by Smallguy

  1. S

    Post cycle therapy (pct) TRAINING (to keep gains)...

    my training always stays exactly the same... I don't do more volume when weights usually stay the same too because if "on" I don't tend to increase lifts more than 10-20 lbs in a cycle so I don;t loose strength. i know some guys are able to increase their lifts 50lbs + but it doesn't for...
  2. S

    5X5 Question

    check out the 5X5 routine thread.... it's pretty long but a great read like I stated before item will tell with me since I haven't seriously lifted in a year and my weights have dropped alot I'm really interested to see this work once I get to my old platteaus
  3. S

    5X5 Question

    I've been doing it now for a dew weeks all my lifts are going up so far each week but that is to be expected since I'm just getting back in the game I lowered the volume on biceps because they felt beat after the 5X5 plus 4 more sets so I'm just doing the 5X5 and then 2 sets.. but the last...
  4. S

    5X5 Question

    this is the routine I'm gonna give a try since I've never done the 5X 5 thing Monday: Squat 5x5 Leg Extension 3x 10-8 Leg Curl 3x 10-8 Sitting calf raise 3x15 db front press 5x5 Side lateral raises 3x10-8 Bent over db rowing 2 x 10-8 Wednesday DB Bench press 5x5 Incline db press 3x 10-8...
  5. S

    bar position

    I'll lwoer it a notch yeha racks do suck but can't see me convincing the gym to buy me a mono-lift
  6. S

    bar position

    k I'm looknig for some different opinions on this but this week I jsut felt like crap outta the rack was hitting on everything bar ddin't feel centered etc. the power rack has holes ever 2 inches approx so I normally have it so the bar is about the height of my collar bone... I'm thiking of...
  7. S

    ricky's journal of hope!

    better luck next week bro.. I had a case of the mnodays today too.
  8. S

    bending the bar

    I like it when they dumb it down for damn school fries my brain
  9. S

    I don't think i ever posted a pic of myself on here

    looking good bro and good luck
  10. S

    bending the bar

    waht do they mena by bending the bar.... I grip the bar tight but what does "bending the bar" really do and how is it accomplished??
  11. S

    Thumbs IN or OUT when benching?

    I usd to use a flas grip (thumbs not around the bar) and thought I colud bench more thatway.... now I just use wrist wraps to help my wrist out and wrap completly around.
  12. S

    Westside Rules

    what are CSR's bro?? do speed pulls just help build explosive power?
  13. S

    pullinbigs training log.

    nice wprkout I tihkn I'm gonna start with bnad pullaparts this week
  14. S

    Worth my time?

    I don't see a problem with it as long as you listen to your body if your ankle start bothering you then you'll have to modify the exercises.
  15. S

    pullinbigs training log.

    nice deads bro you have a strong posterior