Recent content by soonerball

  1. soonerball

    Put together a new site with 3yrs progress pics

    fuck bro, you look huge
  2. soonerball

    I need some gear

    Are you kidding me? Read the forum rules
  3. soonerball

    Does anyone know about NCAA drug-testing

    I graduated a couple of years back, but we would get tested about 6 times a year. It was all totally random. I only got tested about 5 times my whole career, and i was about 6'5, 300, and pretty shredded. I had always juiced, and everyone knew it. One of our quarterbacks was about 6'3 and...
  4. soonerball

    Whats your single favorite Anabolic Steroid compound???

    Test is definatly my favorite. Winstrol (winny) would have to be my second choice.
  5. soonerball


    Halo seemed to make me a complete dick. That was pretty much the only side i got from it.
  6. soonerball

    t-400 by generic labs hurts like hell

    It is proably the amount of ba that was used when they made your t 400. You can try diluting it with b12, or some kind of oil. That is what i always have to do with my prop.
  7. soonerball

    POLL: WHO has your vote in the upcoming election

    fuck kerry, he will try and take our guns away
  8. soonerball

    Strength: Tren vs Anadrol

    trin is the shit, i love that stuff
  9. soonerball

    athletes cycle-input wanted

    the dbol will give you alot of water weight, which i found out during summer workouts really sucks when you run. i think i might trade that dbol for some winny
  10. soonerball

    prop, enanthate, or cypinate

    prop is my definatly my favorite
  11. soonerball

    worried about shipment from reputable company

    I may be wrong, but i heard from one of my friends that they where having legal trouble right now.
  12. soonerball

    10ml IP Sus

    sounds a little sketchy
  13. soonerball

    QV Dbol possibly fake if not sold in bottles?

    Same here, i never get the bottles from my source. I would say just take them, you should know if they are fake in a week at the longest.
  14. soonerball

    22g 1.5 inch in the shoulder?

    get em from mr. T, he is a board sponsor so it will help out the board. The website is
  15. soonerball

    is there a best time of day to......

    It really depends on what it is. Something like deca, it really dosent matter. If it is something like dbol, it has to be spaced out throught the day to keep the levels constant