Recent content by Suffokate

  1. S

    Adding more volume to the PHAT program?

    I am planning my first cycle of Test and Dbol and want to get the most out it. I ran Epistane and used the PHAT program and received great results being that it was only a prohormone, and my assumption is that I'll be able to handle more volume on an injectable cycle. My plan is to incorporate...
  2. S

    Altering the PHAT program to be more efficient

    I am planning my first cycle of Test and Dbol and want to get the most out it. I ran Epistane and used the PHAT program and received great results being that it was only a prohormone, and my assumption is that I'll be able to handle more volume on an injectable cycle. My plan is to incorporate...
  3. S

    Is it okay to use GHRP 6 as a beginner?

    Right now I'm planning my first cycle and am contemplating on incorporating GHRP 6 into it for it's hunger inducing effects, but I'm not sure about it. I know that certain drugs and peptides like Insulin are used more by veteran steroid users; Does GHRP 6 fall under that category, or would it be...