Recent content by sushiemann

  1. sushiemann

    Stericup fracturing

    all 45in kneck... yeah bump jstarks... i wouldnt go above prop 100 more pain.. test cyp will hold at 300 with 20%bb 2ba.. do it all the time... tren enan will hold at 250mg at 2 20 eq i would just stay at 250... just ba..
  2. sushiemann

    cloudy test e, any ideas????

    bump jstark on this bro...
  3. sushiemann

    t3 power

    my friend did this.. it sounds correct... just make sure you where a mask and gloves... just like clenbuterol powder... hope this helps bro.... here is the best way to make individual 60ml bottles bro, no need to make it all up at once if you don't have to. A liter is quite hard to store and you...
  4. sushiemann

    Primobol & Sustanon (sust) Cycle

    there is a lot to know... y do you wanna take such a mild anabolic? Do you wanna Cut? you should save that for later... do some deca or tren... get better results.. your not really in competition...
  5. sushiemann

    dbol-tired as hell immediately following consumption???

    I believe that when you take dbol or any oral especially anadrol your going to feel sluggish and tired lethargic due to the toxicity level and your liver kidneys are working real hard to put that hormone in your bloodstream... you should feel stronger in the gym... never heard of the company...
  6. sushiemann

    methenolone enanthate(primo) brew

    KOO... thanks brother!!! much props... jUsT waNT to b for sure for sure about that stuff... you know my friend payd a hefty penny for that stuff... dont wanna ruin none of that... yeah another friend of mine claims he had 300mg and sayd didnt hurt... but i was calling bs.. you know...
  7. sushiemann

    Stericup fracturing

    you need to get a .22... the .45 is usually only for testing purposes.. not steril.. this is a problem with a lot of peeps out there.. they are fukin peeps up with bad quality gear all because they are impatient.. Just get a glass receiver and take your time.. the test 300 and cyp and deca all...
  8. sushiemann

    Test E powder

    Good job feddie.....
  9. sushiemann

    Stericup fracturing

    You need to get a glass receiver... like a hybex glass media bottle.. most likely with a 45in neck.. which can be used with most nalg nunc bottle top filters... i specified that in most the other threads with the bottle top filtering units.. then u can use as much vacuum as you want...
  10. sushiemann

    cloudy test e, any ideas????

    bump chriswho.... so yeah.. use an oven.. not water... you might have gotten some moisture in there.. or did not let the mix cool enough.... and you need to lower the BA.. i believe i have heard from a friend that the ba over 2% will make crash or cloudy... like trenace only a lil over 1% is...
  11. sushiemann

    Bottle Top Filtering Units

    dude... pvdf wont work.. just go with nylon... it will come out fine.... i mean it might work... but point is just go with nylon.. it is the best...
  12. sushiemann

    laser labels

    sorry bro.. that just lets one more person into the ball game you know wut i mean... just go get a high quality hp printer.. have your friend make the labels on adobe and open the file and print... no need to let a lot of peeps know your business...
  13. sushiemann

    First brew, how to get vacuum in vials?

    just get a crimper and go that route.. its to difficult to put oil into vials.... then you might ruin your gear when a piece of rubber goes into the bottle.... it doesnt cost much for caps or crimpers...
  14. sushiemann

    methenolone enanthate(primo) brew

    this is how i know peeps dont know much... they have their comments about everything.. but when you ask a question.. you can tell who the real brew heads are... thanks a lot guys...
  15. sushiemann

    transfering oil vial from filter unit

    just wash in soapy water... rinse.. spray with alcohol put on foil and bake 225 20min and your set...