Recent content by swim15

  1. S

    tren, test, drol. high dose bulk!!

    Im running something kinda like this for Jr USAs next summer. Right now its 1200 test/1200 EQ. Gonna add in 150-200mg anadrol next month probably. Im about 240-245 at 12-13% right now (abs clearly visible and veins in lower abs). About to add 5iu of gh ed to see where that gets me. As far as...
  2. S

    To all those saying you can maintain steroid gains.

    Clearly you have no idea what you are doing. You have seasoned vets giving you advice and their opinions and you are not understanding or willing to understand a thing they said. You did not gain 20lbs of muscle because you did not lose 20lbs of muscle. I will say, I think you could gain 20lbs...
  3. S

    What's the next step to becoming a pro bodybuilder hgh?

    Yea it isn't insane but still high. He will push things a little higher sometimes, add in another compound. 5iu of human grade growth is a pretty penny though. That said, its all genetics. I know one guy for sure who competed in the olympia and his first year he was only running 5iu of growth...
  4. S

    What's the next step to becoming a pro bodybuilder hgh?

    You should be blasting a cruising and adding in growth hormone for sure. I would start at 5iu a day and bump it after a year maybe. I would add the gh and slowly keep upping anabolics...once you get into the 3-5g range though, anabolics max out at which point you can lower them and compensate...
  5. S

    You best and Biggest cycle gains! let hear em

    Went from 200lbs 7-8% body fat to a little over 240lbs...tried a bunch of stuff but most of the time it was around 1,000mg test and 800-1,200mg EQ
  6. S

    Different experiences on high doses of trenbolone :)

    I ran tren on my first cycle at 100mg ed...great results
  7. S

    Bloodwork results need advice

    not great for 600mg but not bad. I saw a test from a well known homebrewer on another board that came back at 4000 with ~700mg test
  8. S

    SUper High Dosage cycles 4,000+ mg/weekly. EXPERIENCED USERS/COMPETITIORS ONLY

    Haven't read the 2nd page yet but probably referring to some "androgen recpetor saturation" or something. That said, if your dbol is legit OP you should never need 100mg and if you did run 100mg you would need letro and asin combined at least on top of that test. As far as what I would...
  9. S

    Whats the highest you guys have run deca at per week?

    ^that didn't turn out quite right. I was trying to bold responses and put them under what you said
  10. S

    Whats the highest you guys have run deca at per week?

    You are right, prolactin in and of itself cannot cause gyno but if elevated prolactin is added to an already high estrogen level (that wasn't causing problems as it was) then it can. as you said, exacerbate symptoms. But, if you keep estrogen in check, for MOST people elevated prolactin will not...
  11. S

    Whats the highest you guys have run deca at per week?

    so if you aren't getting symptoms then why take something? They are to prevent polactin gyno and deca dick, etc but if you don't have those issues then why treat something that isn't there
  12. S

    Whats the highest you guys have run deca at per week?

    No, no blood work. I am talking about not having sides/symptoms/gyno
  13. S

    Whats the highest you guys have run deca at per week?

    I have never used them and never had all the prolactin problems that people talk about and none of my friends use them and none of them have had prolactin problems. Yes my source is legit. I get raws and brew my stuff and I have seen 3rd party mass specs on the raws. Granted in this case, N...
  14. S

    Whats the highest you guys have run deca at per week?

    1200mg with 1g test. No prami/caber and 25mg asin ed. I think prami/caber are wayyy overrated IMO