Recent content by tbonexl

  1. T

    Puffy face while on cycle any solution?

    Trt can raise estrogen levels too. People on trt use an ai fyi..
  2. T

    Puffy face while on cycle any solution?

    Yes sir estrogen probably on the high end..
  3. T

    Switching esters during cycle

    So you were on test e then switched to prop for a week? Now you want to know how to go about getting back on test e? It was one week. Just start your test e up again. No big deal-
  4. T

    I've been gone for a while but just can't stay away from the sport

    Been awhile for me too! Like a reunion!
  5. T

    Healthier way to blast and cruise?

    If you were to run anything for 8 weeks I would go with npp over deca.
  6. T

    Effect of EQ on Bloodwork?

    Your eq run is looking like a half run. Double the dose and double your weeks.
  7. T

    Do easters mean anything besides release rate?

    Typically your gains are held on after a cycle by what you do after your cycle. You will lose some gains but that's just what happens.
  8. T

    every year this bothers me

    I know in my area, it's a "sterilization" issue for not accepting used toys. You could try and sell current toys and use money for new toys.
  9. T

    Is this a bad idea?? What would happen?

    No good Gene's here lol Pull ups obviously use body weight and biceps
  10. T

    New cycle, Masteron & Var research log (a quest)

    Without bloodwork, you have no argument to back. Like mentioned with your stats and cycle experience, it doesn't take a guru to realize you are going about everything the wrong way.
  11. T

    New cycle, Masteron & Var research log (a quest)

    All gear shuts down your natural test!!! Lol
  12. T

    New cycle, Masteron & Var research log (a quest)

    Everything looks wrong here! Your stats say you are skinny-fat and you are running a cycle with no test and a shit ton of Letro! You sir know nothing about gear at all. Stay natural-
  13. T

    Is this a bad idea?? What would happen?

    I'm a tall guy and honestly for years I didn't train arms. A lot of people would ask what I do for arms and I would say "nothing" lol. I do a lot of pullups with different grips and dips. I never did any curls but would do a couple sets of triceps here and there. Lots of compound moves. I...
  14. T

    Advice Requested - Can u finish up an Anavar cycle with Winstrol? Is it too damaging?

    Are you competing? If not then not worth the liver beat down. Gotta think long term bud...
  15. T

    Low dose DNP for muscle gain

    Sounds idiotic to me..