Hi all.
Mid 40s and have been using blasting/c***sing for a few years now. About two weeks ago I stopped cold turkey and want to go legit with a scrip for TRT. My question is what should I be doing to prepare for the labwork my Dr. is going to order? Obviously my T, FSH, and LH are all going to...
I'm still working on it as far as the timing goes. I mean I have everything else on point and ready to go as far as supplements, diet, ancillaries, etc. but I feel with something like this, if it's not optimized it's a waste of time. The risk/reward ratio is just to great to half ass this so I'm...
Currently on:
Test E: 1g/week
NPP: 700mg/week
Letro: 0.625mg daily
Caber: 0.5mg twice a week
I've finally got everything dialed in as far as my AI and this much test goes. Now I'd like to add some R insulin. As far as diet/supps go I've got all of the necessities lined up the only problem is...
Hey all. Just curious if there is any literature out there concerning a weakened immune system as a side-effect of AAS use. I was doing a blast last fall (coinciding with kids going back to school) and I was sick the entire rest of the year. I'd get sick for two weeks then ok for two weeks then...
Wow. You wouldn't believe the pages and pages I've been reading that have said otherwise. Lol I knew I should have just asked here first. Thanks guys!!
So there's lots of conflicting information out there but from what I've gathered all compounds compete for the same receptor yet they all have different binding affiniities. Fair enough (and please correct me if I'm wrong). In addition to this I have often read that running tren and deca side by...
Just got my bloods back from my "Testosterone, Total - Women, Children, and Hypogonadal Males, LC/MS-MS" and my total test was 70 lol.
Looks like I guessed (labmaxed) wrong. Time to start swapping things out.
Ha good thinking! If I had all 6 vials this would def be the way too go. With one missing though it makes it a bit more problematic.
Since Deca/EQ won't affect my test levels as far as blood work goes, I think I'll just keep on the current plan. I'll use 1ml a week and get the "Testosterone...
Long story short, I ordered 3 - 22ml vials of Test E, 2 - 22 of Deca, and 1 - 22ml vial of EQ. During shipment one of the vials broke and spilled oil all over the other 5 vials disintegrating the ink on the labels so I now have 5 unmarked vials. The sponsor I used made it right so no harm there...
Test ace @ 200/wk
Tren ace @ 350/wk (first time w/tren)
After 10 weeks I broke out in a very severe case of hives. Assuming it was the tren from all the things I've read, I stopped about a week ago and finished up my prescription about 5 days after I stopped the tren. On the seventh day the...
Estradiol was at 35 with a range of 7.6-42.6 and total test was ">1500". I don't see any results for a prolactin test on my panel. Is it listed as something else? I take caber e3d and feel pretty good.
Test A @ 200/wk
NPP @ 600/wk
Bold Cyp @ 400/wk
Platelets 401 High 155-379
Creatinine 1.34 High 0.76-1.27
Potassium 5.5 High 3.5-5.2
Carbon Dioxide 30 High 19-28
And of course test, lsh, fsh, were all flagged as well. Estradiol in check...
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