AAS and immune system response.


New member
Hey all. Just curious if there is any literature out there concerning a weakened immune system as a side-effect of AAS use. I was doing a blast last fall (coinciding with kids going back to school) and I was sick the entire rest of the year. I'd get sick for two weeks then ok for two weeks then sick for two weeks then ok for two weeks on and on. These were not major illnesses either; just colds and flu. The problem however was that I couldn't shake them. They just lingered.

And guess what?

I'm living this all over again right now. Everything is the same: Fall blast, perpetually sick.

Any ideas?
Search Pubmed. There are studies showing that taking AAS does in fact weaken the immune system. Sorry -- don't have the studies at my fingertips.
Search Pubmed. There are studies showing that taking AAS does in fact weaken the immune system. Sorry -- don't have the studies at my fingertips.

That is contrary to everything I have ever heard. Maybe its just pleacebo effect that I havent caught a cold since I started using steroids. I don't have the studies either, but i have read that test is an important part of the immune system. Superman doesn't get sick bro :)
Here is one. There are others out there if you are inclined to do research.

Systems analysis of sex differences reveals an immunosuppressive role for testosterone in the response to influenza vaccination

There are marked differences between the sexes in their immune response to infections and vaccination, with females often having significantly higher responses. However, the mechanisms underlying these differences are largely not understood. Using a systems immunology approach, we have identified a cluster of genes involved in lipid metabolism and likely modulated by testosterone that correlates with the higher antibody-neutralizing response to influenza vaccination observed in females. Moreover, males with the highest testosterone levels and expression of related gene signatures exhibited the lowest antibody responses to influenza vaccination. This study generates a number of hypotheses on the sex differences observed in the human immune system and their relationship to mechanisms involved in the antibody response to vaccination.
Hey all. Just curious if there is any literature out there concerning a weakened immune system as a side-effect of AAS use. I was doing a blast last fall (coinciding with kids going back to school) and I was sick the entire rest of the year. I'd get sick for two weeks then ok for two weeks then sick for two weeks then ok for two weeks on and on. These were not major illnesses either; just colds and flu. The problem however was that I couldn't shake them. They just lingered.

And guess what?

I'm living this all over again right now. Everything is the same: Fall blast, perpetually sick.

Any ideas?

it would make sense that it would be weaker since its trying to figure out and regulate all the chemicals already in your system with all their side effects.