Recent content by tinydb84

  1. T

    Tren concentrations??

  2. T

    Insulin usage and results

    i ran 10 iu's of humalog for two weeks. i gained 12lbs but about 5lbs were fat. i like the stuff and would use it again.
  3. T

    Bicep Tendon Pain

    Non-steroidal-anti-inflamatory like IB profin. Is there an Active Release Therapy place around you? I poped my Bicep tendon out, they were able to help me a lot. It took me 6 wks to get back but after each session my shoulder felt better.
  4. T

    injured back would you stop cycle?

    I would just stop shooting and start post cycle therapy (pct), take some time off from the gym. Sure you will lose some size but a back injury is something that can plague you for the rest of your life. Your size my not be there when you are 60 but your back injury will be there.
  5. T

    How and where to buy....

    Wow, I cant believe this is still going.
  6. T

    Denkall test

    I have used the Denkall T400, that was so painfull i thought something was wrong. I had to cut it and it still hurt like hell.
  7. T

    new to steroids what to take?

    why doesnt anybody read first?
  8. T

    Do you think movie stars do cycles?

    Arnold?!? No way he ever did gh or steroids lmfao:eek: :eek:
  9. T

    water retention & intake

    If you cut your water down it will cause you to bloat, the less your body has of something the more it will try to hold on to it.
  10. T

    Cycle Advice, Please

    You are going to need some estro management for the duration of the cycle. Look at a research site. The clomid is enough. Run the clomid two weeks after the test and three weeks after the deca. Hopefully you can stop the deca a week earlier. You didnt say what your doses are going to be...
  11. T

    a trivial (?) question on deca

    dont do another cycle thats just going to shut him down more so when he does stop he wont be able to get it up. Time on = time off. Just start post cycle therapy (pct) (should have started a week ago) and take 50mg of clomid a day.
  12. T

    5 week Stanozolol only cycle

    First of all welcome. Second dont do it. Third get some test to add in. Forth you always need PCT Fifth read the basics. P.S. Not trying to flame you :D
  13. T

    post cyle question

    You should always do PCT. You could get away with out the HCG but you atleast need the clomid.
  14. T

    Pros Cycles.....

    I wonder how many dumbasses are actually going to try this. lol