Recent content by tlex

  1. tlex

    need a check on morning star lab test E

    Thats good stuff right there. Looks right on. His Test Enanthate, Deca, and EQ used to be 300mg/ml but now there all dosed at 325mg/ml.
  2. tlex

    Who is this Bodybuilder?

    Is it you?? :)
  3. tlex

    prop shooting tips--first timer

    Are you doing 100mg everday? Its best to switch up your injection sites.
  4. tlex

    prop shooting tips--first timer

    Talk about low dosages. :)
  5. tlex

    Morning Star Test Prop & Winstrol

    Morning Star Test Prop 100mg/ml 50ml & Winstrol 55mg/ml 10ml.
  6. tlex

    Elephant Labs Test Enanthate

    Elephant Labs Test Enanthate 250mg/ml 20ml.
  7. tlex

    HardCore Pharmaceuticals Winstrol 100mg

    HardCore Pharmaceuticals Winstrol 100mg/ml 20ml.
  8. tlex

    HGH face injection?

    How is it one of the dumbest questions ever? I understand if you don't have an answer, but please don't post with a negative response.
  9. tlex

    HGH face injection?

    Has anybody ever tried to inject HGH into your cheeks? I'm just wondering because some people are ripped to shreds and still have chubby cheeks. Thanks. T
  10. tlex

    Finally seeing something!

    Good to hear about your progress, but 125mg EOD of what?
  11. tlex

    Dbol & Winny Cycle

    My advice is to run Test with Dbol. Not Dbol alone. Try this for a first cycle. Week 1-10 Test E 400-500mg/week Week 1-5 Dbol 35mg/day
  12. tlex

    Morning Star, Stay Away?

  13. tlex

    HELP with D-bol and Deca

    Like the others have said, no need to taper. Also Test should always be the base of any cycle. Try this. Week 1-10: Test Enan = 500mg Week 1-10: Deca = 400mg Week 1-5: Dbol = 40mg/day You can even drop the Deca if you want. Test and Dbol is a good first cycle. Make sure you have...
  14. tlex

    Western Union and ID?

    Thats right. ID after 1K is required. Western Union fees now are ridiculous. Luckily my source has a SwiftPay account where the transfer fee is always $6 no matter how much money you send.
  15. tlex

    prop/fina/deca cycle

    I wouldn't run Tren and Deca together. Both combined will shut you down hard.