Recent content by TPH1976

  1. TPH1976

    The New ARNOLD

    :druggie: a three year bump... At least I can say: "I was there when it happend" @reap... That is disturbing on so many levels...but mainly its disturbing in level1 which worries me the most. Did you realize befor you said this how old that dick is? You must seek some treatment for that...
  2. TPH1976

    Best exercise to get a 6 pack?

    You (should) use your entire core to stabelize your body during squats...that includes your abs.
  3. TPH1976

    Best exercise to get a 6 pack?

    Yes I saw, but you were talking about core strength. Which is different from 6-pack abs. So I didn't take these posts into context of each other.
  4. TPH1976

    Best exercise to get a 6 pack?

    Thats not a very scientific argument. Ans observational evidence of a single case doesn't prove or disprove a thing. I know people with less bf than me that don't squat but do a lot of ab work and who do not have the same definition as I do @ 14,5% BF. Thats also observational and incidental...
  5. TPH1976

    Best exercise to get a 6 pack?

    ...and now you do. Squats helped me develop mij abs quicker than doing countless sit-ups and crunches. IMO if you do not develop your abs during squat you are doing something wrong. But to each his own I guess...and what works for me doesn't necessarilly work for others. Showing abs is...
  6. TPH1976

    Squats kill my back... and neck.

    Thnx...previous link didn't work for me. Get the picture now,.
  7. TPH1976

    Squats kill my back... and neck.

    If you place the barbell ontop of the posterior delts you should not experience any mentionable pain. Looking down when you squat should help you keep your back in correct line-up. Go deep...your upper leg line should be parallel to the floor. Drive your hips straight up. Squatting in...
  8. TPH1976

    Squats kill my back... and neck.

    Can you post a picture of this or place a link? I might be mistaken but as I understand your post you are using an ocean critter to help you squat. I have problems vusualizing what you mean.
  9. TPH1976

    weight gainer

    Except for the Pbutter it sounds very nice... Is that replacable or can you leave this out? Do you use non-sweet whiped cream?
  10. TPH1976

    Raw Eggs

    Personally I puke my guts out with raw eggs....personally for me that means I do not want to waste energy, or more important protein, by hanging over a toilet for 10 minutes. edit: Ah...and this is NOT psychological either...given the fact that I eat almost everything thag is edible... Given...
  11. TPH1976

    wrist injury!!

    I have read up a little bit about this "terry thomas sign" or a form or indication of scapholunate instability due to a gap. As far as I understand it it all boils down to the fact that surgery reduces pain and some motion problems, but it does not repair strength or pressure/strain capacity...
  12. TPH1976

    Deadlift/squat same day.

    Doesn't the rippetoe programm (starting strength) íncorporate squat, bench and deads on the same day? Basically you squat 3x per week en on one of these days you do deads as well. 3x5 and 1x5 or something to that amout of sets/reps. a sqaut 3x5 bench 3x5 dead 1x5 b squat 3x5 standing...
  13. TPH1976

    Severe Lordotic Curvature and training

    very good you sought out medical advice... Squats will train core...and thats good for overal strength. It will also aid in lowerback. So don't worry about that too much. Maybe you could do some isolation back extentions on a machine paired with some good abdominal training? Normally I am...
  14. TPH1976

    Severe Lordotic Curvature and training

    The best advice anybody can give you is to ask a doc what you can and cannot do in you specific case... it sounds serious. I am sure there must be some things you can do. But especially since your complaints involve nerves that are compressed I should really weigh the pro's and cons before...
  15. TPH1976

    rest time inbetween sets?

    Sorry, but you seem to completely miss the whole point. You can post all the examples you want...but fact remains that even in this examplpe there are BB-ers bigger than this guy that CANNOT outlift him. So what I am saying: When you compare poun for pound mass..this guy is not the best out...