Uncle z.
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  • Sup Z,
    Repo told me to contact you regarding my order. How can i PM you so we can get in contact.
    the image you sent me shows transaction No 48853-Q83, My Transaction No. is 48853-Q88

    Your image shows date as 2011-04-02, my payment date was - 04/01/2011

    Your image shows ORDER No 5099, my order # is 5149

    Your image shows email address on there is a YAHOO email address, i have gmail.

    Your image shows the name is Rya* Sa****rn, That is not my name

    please give me the transaction no. for cancellation so i can provide it to dotpay.
    Hey Z, I have emailed you and will try to send a pm if I'm allowed (new user), I'd like to place an order and pay with my visa debit card. Please shoot me an email or pm. Thanks!
    Remember about different time zones (8 hour or even more)
    If you still don't have any answer from us please open ticket (log into
    my shop and you can do it from your account)
    i placed an order and made payment via CC. I have not received any response to my question that i had emailed you nor do i see on the website that if there is any activity on my order.
    Hey z. i ordered 360 dollars worth of anavar from you im on day 27 and feel no strength or pumps at all. there is no way they are legit. did you just take my money and run bro?
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