Recent content by Voltron

  1. Voltron

    ACL injuries

    MRI shows a complete tear. Doc says most likely I will need a reco, but it's really going to f*ck up my work situation, plus I'm best man at my mate's wedding in a few months - can't go there in crutches, his wozza hates me already as it is. I have spoken to a few people who have had it done...
  2. Voltron


    He he nice one. I agree, that's why we have CANINE teeth, for RIPPING FLESH
  3. Voltron


    Sardines out of the can are OK for a quick lunch. i make a salad out of lettuce, tomatoes, capsicum, onion etc, drain the sardines (get the ones with chilli). Yu can prepare at home, then just before eating I add some Tzatziki (sp?) - that greek yoghurt dip. Fresh sardines (the big suckers)...
  4. Voltron

    Need A Boost

    when I'm feeling run down I just pop a multi-vite in the morn, seems to help, and make sure you have agood brekky the days of your gym sessions...
  5. Voltron

    creatine a fat loss

    hmmm... when I used creatine I noticed a significant amount of fat build up around the gut - probably water retention, despite heaps of cardio...
  6. Voltron

    ACL injuries

    Hi all, Any tips for strengthening muscles that support the knee? I've got a ruptured anterior cruciate, and I'm trying to avoid surgery. No way can I do squats with the state I'm in at the moment. It happended about 3 months ago, and I'm losing too much strength in my already chicken-legs...