Recent content by volumnus

  1. V

    Will 100mg per week do anything?

    It does for me. I shoot 120mg of Cyp per week divided into three 40mg shots. I inject on Mon, Wed, and Friday. Combined with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), it does the trick for me. My tests always come back a little high for my doctor's liking.
  2. V

    When is free test too high?

    Thanks. I was thinking the same thing when he was saying it was too high. I told him I'd scale back if he'd let me keep the same script. I told him I waste a little getting it out of the vial, yada yada yada, so I need a little more than I actually use. He okayed it, so I think I'm good for...
  3. V

    When is free test too high?

    I inject 42mg of test cyp on Mon, Wed, and Fri subcutaneously with an insulin pin, about 125mg per week. On Tues, Thurs, and Sat, I shoot 250iu's of HCG, about 750iu's per week. I've been using this protocol for about six months. I feel good. Good muscle tone, sex drive is awesome, and my...
  4. V

    Daily SubQ shots of Cyp with Insulin pin.

    If you want to shoot more than .5ml... break up the dose and inject in two different places. I've heard Dr. Shippen, the original guru before Chrysler came along, currently injects himself with two 40ml shots, one in each side of the belly, twice a week. Let us know how it turns out. I suspect...
  5. V

    Daily SubQ shots of Cyp with Insulin pin.

    In its early days... HRT consisted of a monthly 400mg shot. Some doctor's still practice this primitive approach. Injecting 400mg subcutaneously simply wouldn't work. A painful lump would result, so intramuscular injection became the accepted delivery method. Doctors gradually began to realize...
  6. V

    Daily SubQ shots of Cyp with Insulin pin.

    Not yet. Any day now. Want to give this new protocol a chance to level out. Here is a study done in Canada. Subcutaneous administration of testosterone. A pil... [Saudi Med J. 2006] - PubMed result
  7. V

    Daily SubQ shots of Cyp with Insulin pin.

    Here's the deal... As for the Adex, I was splitting a 1mg pill into fourths and taking .25mg EOD, but even that miniscule amount caused me to lose morning wood and feel like I hadn't had any test at all. I have never had sensitive nipples or any gyno issues, but then, I only use test for...
  8. V

    Daily SubQ shots of Cyp with Insulin pin.

    Seems to be working well. I'm injecting subq three times a week. Monday-Wednesday-Friday I stopped injecting every day because I didn't want to inject Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on the same day as I inject test, so I decided to inject test every other day. I'm doing 300ius of Human...
  9. V

    Daily SubQ shots of Cyp with Insulin pin.

    I'm going to give it a shot and see how it turns out. Ideally I would have Cyp that is twice as potent, 200mg per ml, but my insurance company's pharmacy sends me mine, and it's only 100mg per ml. At any rate, I will be using 20 ius or .20 ml every morning. This equals 140mg weekly. Since it's...
  10. V

    choice of ai

    I agree. Most people on TRT just take testosterone. Whether in a gel or an injectable, most people I have spoken to in person use neither Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) nor Adex in conjuction with it. Most haven't even heard of them. I am taking 35ius of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) x...
  11. V

    Dr. WHo ever doesn't matter

    Dread Pirate Roberts changed my original post. Please delete the thread. I will no longer be posting in the forum. I was only trying to share information about a well-known testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) specialist's, Dr. Crisler's, current protocol for TRT. I guess some people can't...
  12. V

    I don't feel any different...

    I've just heard it's good as a precaution. I'm taking 1/4 of a tiny pill EOD.
  13. V

    I don't feel any different...

    For over a year I used Testim gel, two tubes per day, with good results. Due to rotator cuff surgery, which prohibited me from applying the gel, I switched to 125mg weekly injections of Testosterone Cypionate, 500ius of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) twice per week, and .25mg of Arimidex...
  14. V

    Freezing Novarel

    My doc FINALLY prescribed HCG. I took him two articles by Dr. Chrysler. My insurance company is eventually going to cover it once all the hoops have been jumped through. In the mean time, I bought some from a local pharmacy, Novarel. The pharmacist was instrumental in convincing my doc to...
  15. V

    Research Chemicals??

    I ordered generic arimidex from xxx. But next time, I'm going to order from RUI. I want to support this site, which has given me tremendous insight. I really would've been lost otherwise. By the way, how do you use liquidex from RUI? Does it come with a dropper. Surely you don't have to inject...