Recent content by Warren916

  1. Warren916

    Getting off cycle early

    Lol wow are you serious bro??? You cant even handle a little needle pain? How are you gonna handle the major pumps and serious workouts to gain real muscle? If you cant deal w a little needle pain then your not gonna get anywhere with bodybuilding and should NOT be using juice..
  2. Warren916

    Two Orals, One Cycle?

    So i kicked my current cycle with Anadrol 100mg/ed for 32 days. Day 40 i got blood work, and my labs came back excellent, well except for some raise in cholesterol. Anyway, liver, kidneys, blood, blood count, all in great range, nothing out of range, and mostly things are smack dab in the...
  3. Warren916

    2 19-nors?

    You should be fine, i kicked my cycle of Test, NPP, Proviron with Anadrol and was fine, until the NPP kicked, then i had to up the caber and everything is fine.
  4. Warren916


    This is the best method, BUT, you MUST wait until most of the androgens are out of your body or the hcg will be rendered useless... Basically, if your running test e, wait 2 weeks, then start your blast.
  5. Warren916

    Blood Work on QDL

    Lol i sound angry to you? You must be sensitive sorry bro ill try and be "nicer"... I figure that if its reading this high then its pretty much legit, theres obviously testosterone in the vial and i feel awesome. As for the estrogen, maybe ill cut back on my letro dosing to see if i feel even...
  6. Warren916

    Blood Work on QDL

    You think my estro is to low? Lol..Its perfectly in the middle 21/42...and thats bad? To much estro is no good, im cool on the bloat, swollen ankles and fake weight. And the results read higher than 1500, the test just doesnt go that high.. 300mg at 1500+? I highly doubt it...actually i can...
  7. Warren916

    Blood Work on QDL

    About $60 from
  8. Warren916

    Blood Work on QDL

    Well looks like QDL is legit taking 750mg/week and my test is >1500! I started my cycle with Anadrol 100mg/day and my liver and kidney values are all perfect!! Haha, yes...also on proviron 50mg/day. Im actually very suprised that my RBC count is on the low side of in range considering i just...
  9. Warren916

    Getting close to 20 weeks and don't want to come off.

    Blast Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 1000-2000ius 2-3 weeks AFTER you take your last shot. Its a new and VERY proven way of PCT.. If you take the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) while you still have a philological amounts of androgens in your body, then the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin...
  10. Warren916

    When will I start feeling the Dbol

    About 12 days of so..
  11. Warren916

    Here is help to create the perfect cycle!

    I dunno about that post cycle therapy (pct) information...especially 300mg of clomid...and taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blasts 3 weeks before the END of your cycle?? No go bro. Awwww man...8 year old post didnt even realize
  12. Warren916

    Does Anybody Have Experience With 'Precision Peptides'?

    TOP NOTCH. Letro and caber ON THE MONEY, i cant believe how legit at there prices.
  13. Warren916

    Please advice on my test e/tren cycle,before I begin

    Tren E for 8 weeks??? Wtf? Thats just a complete waste of money... It doesnt matter what steroid your on, your not gonna grow for shit in 3 weeks. I would definitely get some letro just in case. And yes at your age you should definitely blast Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (at least...
  14. Warren916

    need some help with tren-ace..

    So your willing to run a 12 month course of test-e, cause possible permanent shut down, but your afraid of tren?? Doesnt really make sense, what exactly are you afraid of?? If i were you, id have on hand.. Cabergoline Letrozole Those are your two main ancilleries for a cycle like that. And...
  15. Warren916

    Letro side effects

    Honestly im using letro in the same fashion, 2.5mg per day with no estro problems and im HORNY AS FUCK, but im running 750mg/test and 450mg/npp. Everyone is VERY different in this regard, 2.5mg/ed for me is my sweet spot and it sounds the same for you. Once i dropped to 2.5mg/e3d i got gyno.