Blood Work on QDL


New member
Well looks like QDL is legit taking 750mg/week and my test is >1500!

I started my cycle with Anadrol 100mg/day and my liver and kidney values are all perfect!! Haha, yes...also on proviron 50mg/day.

Im actually very suprised that my RBC count is on the low side of in range considering i just stopped the Anadrol about 6 days ago, miss that shit!

Also my estrogen is in the perfect range for being on Letrozole 4x/week at 1.25mg. Seems letro isnt such a killer after all...
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Im not dogging you here but I'd sure hope it's over 1500 with 750mg/week. I can easily hit that with 300mg/week give or take of script test. Unfortunately Labcorp test results wont be able to show you that anyone's gear is properly dosed only that there's at least some of the dose in the vial. Gotta get to a Quest lab test for a non-capped result. Good to see that there's at least hormone in the vial though :D

Your estro is a lot lower than I feel good at but if you feel good that's all that matters.
Im not dogging you here but I'd sure hope it's over 1500 with 750mg/week. I can easily hit that with 300mg/week give or take of script test. Unfortunately Labcorp test results wont be able to show you that anyone's gear is properly dosed only that there's at least some of the dose in the vial. Gotta get to a Quest lab test for a non-capped result. Good to see that there's at least hormone in the vial though :D

Your estro is a lot lower than I feel good at but if you feel good that's all that matters.

You think my estro is to low? Lol..Its perfectly in the middle 21/42...and thats bad?

To much estro is no good, im cool on the bloat, swollen ankles and fake weight.

And the results read higher than 1500, the test just doesnt go that high.. 300mg at 1500+? I highly doubt it...actually i can pretty much say that bs.

300mg is usually around 1000-1300..
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Im not dogging you here but I'd sure hope it's over 1500 with 750mg/week. I can easily hit that with 300mg/week give or take of script test. Unfortunately Labcorp test results wont be able to show you that anyone's gear is properly dosed only that there's at least some of the dose in the vial. Gotta get to a Quest lab test for a non-capped result. Good to see that there's at least hormone in the vial though :D

Your estro is a lot lower than I feel good at but if you feel good that's all that matters.

agree with this guy, I'm happy for you that its got some decent test in it though. But those 1500 caps really don't let you know just what you got. At 750 mg/week it could be underdosed by alot and you wouldnt know based on that test. Also depending on when you took your last shot in relation to when you had blood drawn, i do think 300mg could put you <1500 if the test is 100%

Hope for your sake its totally legit though. Good luck with the cycle man!
You think my estro is to low? Lol..Its perfectly in the middle 21/42...and thats bad?

To much estro is no good, im cool on the bloat, swollen ankles and fake weight.

And the results read higher than 1500, the test just doesnt go that high.. 300mg at 1500+? I highly doubt it...actually i can pretty much say that bs.

300mg is usually around 1000-1300..

Why you so defensive, you mad bro? I said Im not dogging you at all but I do have pharmaceutical test as I have a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) script and if I push my dose up around 300ish/week yes my bloodwork shows >1500 so quite frankly I couldn't care less what you think of my statement. Your comment that the results read higher but the test just doesn't go that high... well DUH? :scratchhe that was my point, with a Labcorp test unfortunately you can't get a reading of how well dosed ANY brand/lot is because all you will ever see is >1500 it could be 3461 or it could be 1503 but all you can prove is it's >1500.

And as I also said I (that's me not you or anyone else) don't feel good when my estro gets that low, in the 20's I feel lethargic and crummy, mid to upper 30's are good for me but if YOU (that's you not me...) feel good then as I said that's all that matters.
Lol i sound angry to you? You must be sensitive sorry bro ill try and be "nicer"...

I figure that if its reading this high then its pretty much legit, theres obviously testosterone in the vial and i feel awesome.

As for the estrogen, maybe ill cut back on my letro dosing to see if i feel even better, ive had worse gyno than my prior 500mgs so im pretty paranoid with my estrogen control.