Recent content by wolverine198324

  1. W

    Help pls guys, possible fake steroids

    Not first cycle, new source. And ur wrong people do go to the effort to make fake dbol etc. Every steroid out there is faked, and the packaging can look identical- so its an issue.
  2. W

    Help pls guys, possible fake steroids

    Hello, my friends got some 10mg dbol tabs, and 5mg winstrol. I tasted both of them, the winstrol was sweet, the dbol was very bitter and left a bitter aftertaste, is this wat they r meant to taste like, u think they r real?
  3. W

    Are these dianabol fake.

    Sorry i dont hav a photo. Got these dianabol today. la pharma 10mg-500 tab tub. firstly the tub was in plastic, label not peelin off, perfectly straight, tablets dont crush or taste sweet etc, even had cotton wool and one of those silican gel packets in it. Now from first glance you would assume...
  4. W

    Words from Gregg Valentino

    Ye was funny as! "u gona eat that corn? no dude u hav it, i cant eat, im thinkin of ways to jump off that balcony" lol
  5. W

    Danabol ds

    Its the blue 10mg hearts. Still a lot of these goin about. Did the manufacturer get shut down or genuine ones still bein produced? Worth the risk buying them?
  6. W

    La Pharms gear

    Anyone used this company, sorry about the title its meant to say la pharma*. Are there a lot of fakes, i can get the dbol and oxys, was just wonderin about them?
  7. W

    Are these fakes??

    This is the only photo i can find of the tub, anyone used these dbols by la pharma before, know if theyre fakes?
  8. W

    La Pharma oxys

    Ill put them in my tea with milk then. Ull hav to come rnd for a cup, 12 sugars for u? lol
  9. W

    La Pharma oxys

    No iv had oxys before but just not these particular ones, i hear a lot about underdosed products and wanted other peoples opinions on these particular ones.
  10. W

    La Pharma oxys

    Just bought sum la pharma oxymetholone tabs. Anyone used these? r they any good? The tabs r tiny, r they potent?