Recent content by WooDoo

  1. W

    Can you take Deca with Duta??

    Used Avodart and decaver, no deca-dicks.
  2. W

    1st cycle clenbuterol and HGH

    Oh yeah! You gonna be mr Olympia!
  3. W

    i need a non tested bodybuilding competition for me to compete.

    Only BB competitions? I'd go to hamburger eating contest!
  4. W

    XL Labs Test cypionate 300 anyone seen this

    Never seen this around, though the lable does not look good to me... Homemade?
  5. W

    Bayer proviron gotta love them

    Proviron is one of my favs! Ran recently naposim /dbol and proviron at 25mgs each per day.
  6. W

    Sustanon dosing and brands

    Sustamed and sustaver are my favs!
  7. W

    Dbol - HGH - recommendations please

    You have to add test to your cycle. grin and bear it! Soon, you will enjoy it :D
  8. W

    British drazón & Global as lab

    These ugls have been a hit or miss for me. I'd rather go with clenover, at least it gives me the feeling of fat burning.
  9. W

    Egg whites raw with shakes ??

    Yammy ! I like to beat up whites and add protein powder.
  10. W

    Experience with Genezas Meds

    Thanks. But I will stick to the ugls (vermo, radja) I've been using for years by now.
  11. W

    your highest tren dose per week

    Ran 800 mg of radja's tren, enjoyed that.
  12. W

    Just wanted to introduce myself

    Welcome to the community.
  13. W

    how did you decide on/ come up with your handle here on the Ology?

    Woodoo people magic people (c) Prodigy :)