Recent content by Woodyy

  1. W

    finasteride reviews and sides

    I have no idea how people think dutasteride would give less sides than fin. It does the exact same thing as finasteride and works in the exact same way except it suppresses DHT in the region of 90%+ as opposed to 60%+ with finasteride.
  2. W

    Experiencing hairloss during and after cycle - opinions

    Shit, forgot about this thread. My hair stopped getting worse months and months ago, i think most of it regrew but to be honest I don't think about my hair much anymore. I still shed hair but it must just grow back normally or something because it's been doing this for ages now and my hair never...
  3. W

    did you grow hair when u cycled?

    I'm not a hairy guy in the slightest, couldn't even grow a beard before my test cycle but my test cycle seemed to kick-start my beard growth.. I thought it would be temporary and go away after the cycle ended but for some reason it hasn't.
  4. W

    Which is worse on the hairline: dbol or test?

    Test hit my hairline slightly and I'm not even that susceptible to MPB, no full on baldies in my family, just receded hairlines. Test with finasteride/dutasteride will be very mild on the hairline. No experience with dianabol but the above 2 drugs won't work for preventing hairloss with it...
  5. W

    Turinabol is REGROWING my hair?!

    Okay, I did a cycle of Test E late last year and my hairline receded a tiny bit, nothing major but I noticed it. Never really regrew after my cycle but didn't get any worse. Now since being on oral turinabol for a month my hairline is growing back. What is the mechanisms behind this...
  6. W

    Is there any way to avoid gaining mass while on Test-E?

    Stick with something that doesn't aromatase if you wan't to lose bodyfat whilst on, either that or use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), I tired to cut on my last Test E cycle and it was extremely hard to get to 8% even though I'd got there before naturally, the excess estrogen makes fat loss harder...
  7. W

    Am I right in thinking this about hairloss?

    That being on something like anavar and turinabol (steroids with very low androgenic properties) will be safer for those prone to MPB than being on nothing at all considering the HPTA will be suppressed meaning no testosterone production and thus no conversion of testoserone to DHT? Isn't this...
  8. W

    Any of you use Propecia/Proscar JUST whilst on cycle + post cycle therapy (pct) and then stop?

    Any of you use Propecia/Proscar JUST whilst on cycle + PCT and then stop? So I like to take precuationary measure with hairloss as my dad is starting to bald (although he's 57, didn't start losing it until 45+) and so I used 1.25mg of finasteride (propecia) through my cycle (test e). I've...
  9. W

    Experiencing hairloss during and after cycle - opinions

    So I can feel my hair coming back now when I rub my scalp, like little spiky hairs that aren't very long right now. I wish I knew about Telogen Effluvium before this whole thing started, I've spent basically as much as I did on my cycle on trying to keep/regrow my hair because I thought this...
  10. W

    Experiencing hairloss during and after cycle - opinions

    Shedding has basically stopped now, I'm not sure what the normal amount of hair to lose is after showering + combing my hair but I only lose about 10 now compared to easily 40+ before. I know people probably don't care but I want to make a point of updating this every few weeks or so until my...
  11. W

    19 years Test E only

    People LOVE to sensationalise, I did my first cycle at 19 at exactly the same dosages you state. I've not even finished post cycle therapy (pct) yet and my libido is already back to normal, I already feel completely fine except clomid does seem to mess with me mentally slightly, that's about...
  12. W

    Experiencing hairloss during and after cycle - opinions

    Just an update, still shedding hair at the same rate. What I don't understand is that I didn't start shedding until I came off the cycle, roughly two weeks after my last jab. I thought if you were gonna lose hair it would happen on cycle? The weird thing is the hairs I'm shedding are mostly...
  13. W

    Experiencing hairloss during and after cycle - opinions

    I never knew that, well hopefully after post cycle therapy (pct) my estrogen levels will be relatively back to normal, still shedding pretty badly, this sucks lol.