1-T Pill vs. Transdermil


New member
This stack is in pill and transdirmal form

Pill Transdirmal

SCI-Fit Tranabol-X (Higher Power Nutrition)

They both have the same stuff and servings

Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Servings Per Container:

30 Capsules Size: 30
60 Capsules Size: 60

Amount Per Serving:

1-T Ether: 100mg
1,4-Androstandiene-3, 17-Dione: 100mg
5-Alpha-Androstane3,17 Beta Diol: 100mg
4-Androstenediol: 100mg
3,6,17-Androstenetrione: 100mg

Which one have you had success with?

For those that supplemt with 1-T, do you take 1-t alone for your cycle?

Do you think a stack like the one above is better then taking 1-T alone?

Head to head who wins, (Pill vs. Transdermil)?

The first thread was if anyone thought that taking 1-T in a stack was better then taking 1-T alone.

The second explains that there are two companies that supply us with these stacks but which one is better?

Head to Head:

Pill vs. Transdernil

Just ignor the question if it bothers you.
Think about it....transdermal goes right through the skin, straight to the blood stream... orals have to go through the GI tract, through the stomach, the digestion process and then assimliation. Common sense tells me transdermally, more of the product is absorbed. Also, research says the same.
i did one cycle of the mag-10 and got very little from it. i did one cycle of BDC nutrition's t-1pro and i loved it. good results and half the price. i will always pimp for them. if ur gonna go ph' go that way. t-dermal is the way to go.