12-14 week cycle sust, deca, dbol and winstrol


New member
24 6'2 204lbs
About 8 to 9 percent body fat
been lifting for years
cycled orals before as well as test.
the last two cycles ive done within the last two years are test e and dbol, Test e and deca.

it's been 8 months since the last cycle ready for another cycle
Sustonon 12wks, deca 10wks, dbol 40mg a day to Kickstart for 4 to 5 weeks, winstrol 50mg last 6 weeks
letro if needed, tried arimidex didn't like it, herd letro is better.
+hawthorn berry & milk thistle through out the cycle
Looking to bulk and lean out toward the end

Nolva 1wk after last shot
might go with hcg as well depends.
Just need help with the doses for the Sustonon, last time I did deca went with 500 a week, 600 test e both split in two doses. last 4 weeks kicked deca to 600 a week.

So what's a good dose for the Sust?? And is deca good at 500 a week?
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Everything! You need to start all over. Begin reading through the link provided and check out the steroid profiles.
I've read plenty and done plenty of research. I've read that before plenty of times. Just trying to figure out the good dosing for the sustonon.
like I said if you see something wrong with that cycle, tell me exactly what is wrong with it.
Pct should start 3 weeks after last pin. Pct consists of nolva and clomid. Hcg should be ran during cycle up to pct. Letro is not necessarily better then adex. You probably didn't have it doses right..25mgs eod would be a good start. 8-9% bf? Bullshit. Hawthorne berry and milk thistle can stay on the shelf. Get some nac. Ten weeks of deca is too short of a run. Either run a bulk cycle or a cut. You cant do both. Pros can't even do that! Did you really read up on anything? Abso-fucking-lutely not! You want doses on some shit you aint ready to use? Starting reading and stop wasting everybody's time. You didn't do any research. Negged...
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Didn't realize I had to be soo dang specific about things!!first off, yes I did dose arimidex at .25 eod I still didn't like it not gonna be more specific. From what I've read takes two weeks for the test to clear out so usually people start nolva two weeks after last pin, not sure if it's the same with sustonon. Only reason I said 1 week and depending is because iam prone to gyno if it flares up I'm not waiting 2 weeks. Forgot to mention the clomid. Hcg I will only be used if I need it when I need it, I'm sure you know when and for what it's used.

well that's why I said 12 to 14 weeks so if not ten for deca then 12 and 14 of the sust. Test is supposed to be ran 2 weeks longer than deca. You realize a clean bulk is possible right?? Not to mention I didn't say cut I said lean out. some of these things are just common sense thought you'd know if you know exactly what you're talking about.
And that actually is my bodyfat, didn't think it was that impressive as I've had 6 in the past but ok.
Hawthorne berry and milk thistle have worked fine for me, since I do monitor my blood pressure while on cycle.
haven't tried NAC but I can check it out since iam here and I'm open to suggestions.
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Yea tell me about common sense. What are you talking about with hcg? You run that shit from beginning of cycle up to pct. Having it on hand or when u need it is useless at the very least. Maybe you should get into your adex use a lil more. As far as starting pct one week after is no good. Look up pct calculater. I'm not holding your hand on that one. Sust has long esters in it. You can't start pct with elevated test levels. Common sense you should know. That's why you run your ai up to pct. Did you ever get bloodwork to see if you had to up your adex dose? That's common sense too. Again, you need a lot more research because not much of what your posting makes a bit of sense...
The reason you are Gyno prone is because you don't like arimidex and you only keep Letro on hand..

Run your Letro then on cycle if you don't like arimidex, or switch to aromasin.. BUT running an AI the duration of the cycle up through to when u start pct is ESSENTIAL -- pretty elementary, and prob the first thing (not the only thing) why tbone said you are misinformed .

As for sustanon dosage-- that's up to you and dependent on what you know about your own body-- it may be 350mg a week or maybe 800mg.. Just note it's a blend of four esters both long and short and is best injected eod to maintain steady blood levels