Test p, deca and equipoise


New member
Hi everyone…
Male, Age 33, 5.8,
170lbs bodyfat % probably between 12 to 13….working out since last 10 years but on and off with no proper diet.. but now I am serious…so please help mates.
Already have lil gyno in my left nipple from past idiotically use of cycle without using any AI…
Since my main concern is not to have too much of estrogenic side effects like Gyno…I am planing to use test p 100 a week, Equipoise 400mg a week and Deca 250mg a week for 10 weeks..this time I have planned to take nolva 20 mg daily from 3rd week till the end of the cycle and then again in PCT with clomid and HCG…I know this cycle sucks and I want to increase the test dosage also or I want to go with other compounds but I am very scared of the Gyno.please suggest guys.. thank you