14 To 16 Calories Per Pound For Maintaining Muscle And Lose Fat?


New member
So I read an interview with fitness model Obi Obdalike (at the below link) who says he needs 14 to 16 calories per pound of bodyweight to maintain muscle and lose fat as he says "You always want to make sure you are eating enough to maintain your muscle and lose fat. I typically would have somebody consume about 14 to 16 calories per pound for maintenance purposes in terms of maintaining muscle."

So how many people agree with this? If this is true its alot easier to find out how many calories you can take in then by doing those find your calories pages where you enter a whole lot of numbers and stuff.

CutAndJacked Interview:WBFF Pro Champion Obi Obadike | Cut and Jacked
everyone's metabolisms are different. what works for him might not work for you and vice-versa.

composition has a lot to do with this. someone who is 200lb 30% BF will have a MUCH different metabolism than someone who weighs 200lb 8% BF and thus the calories/pound will be very different. there are also other factors.. just too much to boil down into a simple 14kcal per lb formula. it might be ballpark - but not nearly as accurate as other forms of measurement.