14wk Test E 400mg/week with TBol Kickstart - I have low T


New member
Posting if anyone wants to follow along, if you're going to comment you better read the whole fucking thing as this is very thorough and I'm going to flame you for posting something retarded that can be found below:


1. Gain ten lbs of lean mass and break the 200lb mark post pct.
2. In range (by our standards not the dipshit PMD) test/estro levels post pct possibly.
3. Experience raunchy libido levels and throw lots of ropes on my gf.
4. Weigh the value of going on TRT.

Current status:
Bloodwork resulted in 246ng/dl test and 33.9ng/dl estro
Moody and low motivation
Extremely hard to gain weight other than fat
Low libido
Very mild gyno in left tit

Tracked via daily burn iPhone app
4000cal target (been at it for 3mo)
300g protien
400g carbs
150g fat
Carbs and fats semi vary day to day
I will adjust if I notice leaning out to compensate in order for max gains

Typical daily diet: meats vary as do veggies, not 100% clean nor strict
7:30am - 3 slices brownberry whole wheat with appx 6-8Tbsp peanut butter, piece of fruit, large glass of milk or a whey shake depending on prior nights dinner
11am - 6oz of meat (varies), some veggies or pasta/rice, or both
2pm - 6oz meat (varies), some veggies and pasta/rice
4pm - 4oz meat with pasta or rice
5:30pm - preworkout shak
6pm - 7pm WORKOUT m t th f
7pm - post workout shake with 22g whey, glutamine and 50g carbs
9pm - 8oz meat with a veggies
11pm - large glass of milk

HIT Dorian based with low volume, all working sets beyond failure with negatives, forced reps, or rest pause sets. Generally no more than 10 sets/muscle
Monday: front/side delts, traps, triceps
Tuesday: chest/biceps
Wednesday: off
Thursday: quads/hams/calfs
Friday or Sat: back/rear delts

28yrs old
6' tall
194lbs as of last night
15% bf roughly

prohormone cycles with OTC pct... Big mistake looking back... Crashed my natural production and gave me gyno... Fun... Been researching heavily the last 2 years on how to do everything correct with no regrets. Been on ology, outlaw, t-nation, etc for the last two years. Been lifting for 10 years, 4 with a a solid routine, two with proper nutrition. Reason I'm going ON is that my natural production is already invthe garbage, not much to risk, if it doesn't come back after my planned pct it was prob too late anyway as the last prohormone I did was in 2007. Gynos been there for 3 years, ran letro, went away, tapered out and got on nolva and it's right back...

Weeks 1-14 Test E 400mg/wk (200mg tues night and 200mg sat morning)
Weeks 1-4 Bieber Pharm Tbol 40mg/day

Weeks 1-16 arimidex .5mg e3d unless sides flare then increase
Weeks 17-22 aromasin (dosing up for debate but want to kill the chance of estro rebound gyno and sides post cycle since I already have low t and gyno, 12.5mg or full 25mg/day?)

Weeks 1-15 HCG 250iu e4d
Week 16 500 or 1000 iu HCG ED? (keep in mind I’m gyno sensitive)
Weeks 17-20 torem 60mg/day
Weeks 21-22 torem 30mg/day

6 weeks post pct I will have bloodwork ran and see how everything stands.

Wanting to begin on Saturday March 9th

Technically since the HCG generally doesn't last much beyond 30days, at e4d dosing I've got enough to run 666iu e4d if I get any atrophy...

Also if your wondering why arimidex through cycle instead of just aromasin the whole time, it's bc I already have the arimidex and aromasin will be here next week.

Also I'm choosing to only do 400mg/week of Test E as it will be my first AAS cycle and with my serum level at 246ng/dl 400/week will be a huge impact for me since I'm so used to low t... I don't think the standard 600/wk is necessary or called for

I was gonna start saturday that way my pins can be:
Saturday AM and Tues PM but the way my workout schedule is I have legs Thursdays so it might be better to do Thurs PM and Monday AM to make sure my legs aren't sore for legs day if it will make a big difference?

194lbs tonight on the scale, 6' or 6'1" depending on who's measuring. 33x34 pants fit correctly for perspective. I lost my myotape but I'll take masurements before the cycle begins.

Note that I have child bearing love handles, also that was the only way I could get a back shot (crappy), note the sidewinder nipples that are practically in my armpits, and no my neck isn't abnormally long I lifted my head as to not get my ugly mug in the photos (incognito style) lol. And with no further delay...

Before Pics:
These are no pump, just taken fresh, also if anyone has input on body fat? Its been years since I've had it tested but was at 11% at that time and obviously more now, I was thinking 15% or so?




Obviously flexed


Side angle - note the minor gyno, no I've never been over this body fat, obviously not a flattering bf%


Other side - note that if I pull back my shoulder the gyno is now stretched lol, this side has the pea size lump (undetectable in the pic obviously)


Wheels, lighting was aweful in front of the big mirror, calfs are a major weak point (I can smyth calf raise with great form all the way up and slow down with a full stretch 365x10)


Only way I could get a back shot.. see the huge love handles bleh... not a good pic


Arm shot for the fuck of it...

So... what you think? Be honest, I'm not too worried about the BF, I will lean out a little after the cycle but I'm more concerned about gaining lean mass at this point
Pic of me from ten years ago (in May) at 145ish lbs lol! Didn't block the face bc you'd never even know it was me...


One for the haters that I've flamed for posting stupid shit:
Pic of the ass I'm about to tear up once I get off the damn computer... (not literally in the ass, still trying for that, and no not the dog you sick fucks)


This thread delivers
Would be nice to get that body fat lower before you start, seem higher than 15 to me. Sorry to here about the gyno, keep a close eye on that since you know your prone. Eat clean!!! Chill out a little on all that pasta and increase your cardio because like it or not along with gaining 20 pounds comes gaining some fat, so keep that to a minimum as best you can. I would go up to 500mg on the test, good luck.