180 lbs GUY, diet questions


New member
Ok guys, how many carbs, cals, protein, fat, for a 6', 180 lb guy who wants to lean out (yes I know, not much muscle to work with)

with a 4 day weight split, how much cardio to lean out but not waste the muscle he obviously doens't have much of;)

thanks, dont know much about guys !!
thanks necro, just looking for a quick answer. 1.5 g's of protein for every lb body weight? (this is for women), cals are 15 times body weight? )but not sure if this is for cutting?)
and carbs are up for discussion!! haha...
fat though- my cutting diet is 45g's (30 which is flax),.. I have NO idea for men though!!

Some help please? trying to make a program for a friend
and also, I was thinking he should just try clean diet and weights before hitting any cardio.. many incorporate cardio once fat loss stops? is that what you guys do?
Same thing goes for guys as with girls. He wants to make sure he's taking in 1-2 grams of protein per bodypound divided amongst his meals throughout the day(6-8 meals). I'd suggest a 40/40/20 split(protein/carb/fat) Carbs should come from clean sources such as oats, potatoes and rice and veggies(greens). Fats should come from olive oil, flax or udo's oil, nuts and seeds and fatty fishes:)
Protein should come from whey protein, eggs and/or eggwhites, chicken, fish, lean cuts of beef.
If you'd like to post his current diet, we can make changes where need be.
Thanks a lot Fyre, I knew you'd help me out;)

This guy is a bit clueless in teh diet department, so I will make his diet and then post it - probably within a week

thanks again