1mg of adex only a day...........

I'd imagine that there would be a limit even for healthy guys as the body should stop requesting testosterone once aromatization meets the adex value. Likely depends a great deal on how loud that pituitary can scream at the testes. ;)

Juced, I used to think the same thing until I started reading about it. It requires a healthy pituitary and hypothalamus, and isn't as good as testosterone injections, but is a working form of TRT. You just can't be on ANYTHING suppressive, or once that negative feedback loop closes - bye bye estradiol. :doh:
Well i feel like im on a high trt dose. But that meens nothing until i can find time to drive out of state for these damn bloods. I will stay on this protocol until i can get em done.
I've seen (anectodally) similar results from a lower dose of aromasin - a guy over at my home board ran 12.5mg EOD for three months and it brought his test up from mid to mid-high while off cycle
Great news clman - I just don't see how this is sustainable though?

Surely if you are running this for low natty levels - TRT is on the horizon?

Or are you just doing this short term as an experiment?
Yea as an experiment type thing. Im not ready for the trt train. Getting on trt in the military is a head ache and a half.
What was your Testosterone and Estradiol.

I want to try same thing since I have high estradiol all time. 450 TT plus 45 E2 = No libido...

But I think 1 mg a day is harsh on lipids. I'm thinking 0.25 mg everyday. Will it work or should I use 0.5 mg?