1st Cycle advice please, Test-Prop


New member
21 Years old
190 lbs
8% BF
Bench: 305
Squat: 405
Lifting for 6 years

As stated, this will be my first AAS cycle. I ran one mild PH cycle previously. So far I'm more interested in the short cycle approach. It seems like sides can be more manageable and impacts overall health less. I want to start very simple and run Test-Prop solo at modest dosages. I don't have any issues pinning multiple times a week. Also, I want to take Nolva throughout the cycle just to be on the safe side. I realize it may not be necessary at the lower doses but eh.

-6 weeks of 100mg Test-Prop EOD
-10mg Nolvadex ED

PCT: (starting two days after last dose)
Days 1-3: 40mg Nolvadex
Days 4-14: 20mg Nolvadex
Days 14-28: 10 mg Nolvadex

What do you think? I tried to keep it fairly simple. I'm looking to put on 8-15 lbs and stay relatively lean. Do you think Arimidex is necessary?

Any input or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

II would not run nolva while on cycle, nolva is for pct at those doses you probably wont need anything but you still should have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand such as adex or arromasin, I would hold off on using them until you have to if you have to, also you are still young to be doing a cycle, make sure your really ready and do the research on what a cycle can do to you at your age, I would suggest waiting a few years
What do you think about .5ml of Adex throughout the cycle? I feel like I'm more prone to estro sides and I'd rather sacrifice a little gains and be on the safe side.
.5 mg e3d is all you need as a preventative, if you see signs of high estro levels you can adjust the dose but I doubt you will
Thanks a bunch for the input everyone, I really value the help.

This is what I'm looking at now:

-6 weeks of 100mg test-Prop EOD
-.5mg Arimidex E3D (may increase if sides present themselves)

PCT: (starting two days after last dose)
Days 1-3: 40mg Nolvadex Weeks 1-2: 100mg Clomid
Days 4-14: 20mg Nolvadex Weeks 3-4: 50mg Clomid
Days 14-28: 10 mg Nolvadex

@Mbh87 I will have enough Test-Prop on me to continue the cycle or increase dose size if everything is going well and I still want more size, good advice.

I think thats starting to look pretty good, yeah?
6 Weeks isn't enough even for that short ester, you wont notice any gains until week 3 , its a shorter ester but still takes time, and your dose translates to 350mg a week which is pretty low, I know some guys will say you can make decent gains with that low dose but it wont be much, I would go to 500 if sides besom bad which I highly doubt, you can then lower it, imo its best to find your threshold, you may find no problems with 350 but what's to say you wont have problems at 500
I'm only looking for 8-15 pounds though, could I just run 500mg per week for 6 weeks or is it really necessary to extend the length of the cycle? Sorry for all the questions!
I wouldnt expect those kinds of gains in 6 weeks. If you put on 15 pounds after a 12 week cycle thats pretty good. Also remember once you start pct you will lose water weight .