21 Years old
190 lbs
8% BF
Bench: 305
Squat: 405
Lifting for 6 years
As stated, this will be my first AAS cycle. I ran one mild PH cycle previously. So far I'm more interested in the short cycle approach. It seems like sides can be more manageable and impacts overall health less. I want to start very simple and run Test-Prop solo at modest dosages. I don't have any issues pinning multiple times a week. Also, I want to take Nolva throughout the cycle just to be on the safe side. I realize it may not be necessary at the lower doses but eh.
-6 weeks of 100mg Test-Prop EOD
-10mg Nolvadex ED
PCT: (starting two days after last dose)
Days 1-3: 40mg Nolvadex
Days 4-14: 20mg Nolvadex
Days 14-28: 10 mg Nolvadex
What do you think? I tried to keep it fairly simple. I'm looking to put on 8-15 lbs and stay relatively lean. Do you think Arimidex is necessary?
Any input or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
21 Years old
190 lbs
8% BF
Bench: 305
Squat: 405
Lifting for 6 years
As stated, this will be my first AAS cycle. I ran one mild PH cycle previously. So far I'm more interested in the short cycle approach. It seems like sides can be more manageable and impacts overall health less. I want to start very simple and run Test-Prop solo at modest dosages. I don't have any issues pinning multiple times a week. Also, I want to take Nolva throughout the cycle just to be on the safe side. I realize it may not be necessary at the lower doses but eh.
-6 weeks of 100mg Test-Prop EOD
-10mg Nolvadex ED
PCT: (starting two days after last dose)
Days 1-3: 40mg Nolvadex
Days 4-14: 20mg Nolvadex
Days 14-28: 10 mg Nolvadex
What do you think? I tried to keep it fairly simple. I'm looking to put on 8-15 lbs and stay relatively lean. Do you think Arimidex is necessary?
Any input or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.