1st cycle advice test prop and clen/pct


New member
Hey I'm doin 100mg clen and 40ml test prop for my first cycle. I've got novadex and letrazole on tap just need advice for when to take.
Was planning on taking 4mg clen a day 2 weeks lne, 2 weeks off then 2 on again. And 1.5ml prop 3 times a day, mon wed fri.

Is that oright or?
Nothing is ok.
Clen is measured by mcg.. Ur dosage could kill you.
Regarding test , it's measured by mg not ml.
Let's start from the beginning.
Stats... Goals.. Traing experience so u could get help.
4 mcg?
People start at 20-40 mcg and pump it .. 4 mcg is nothing.
Prop ester is to be done every other day, not 3 days a week.

Stats plz.
Are you sure you want to use test prop for you fist cycle? Not a bad supplement but you will be pinning a lot as a first timer. Just something to think about.
Hey guys, I was thinking of trying test prop for my first time as we'll but wanted to know if it was what my buddy said it is from what I read it is but figured I would ask some real people that have taken it. My stats are,

I am 27
215 pounds
6.0' tall
Have been working out going on 2 years but took a brake after I moved for 3 months so I'm getting back into it now. I have my diet down to build but can't seem to be able to get rid of my pudge in my chest and stomach and it is now driving me nuts. So I figured I would try out test prop to cut it down so I can feel better about working out. I work out to feel and look good but can't get the look down.

My calories are between 2000-2500 a day and don't eat any white breads and watch my glutin intake cuz of a allergy I had when I was yunger.

Let me know what you think.