what add to test tren t3?


New member
Hi,i am on the 3 week of my 12 weeks cycle,and in the past tried test tren winny but the winny kill my joints and keps the pain inclcusive after pct then i dont use it anymore.i just stick to test prop and tren a
want to add a oral
i always do
25mg prop ed(dont like go up 200 mg per week for the bloat)
50mg tren ace ed(tried in the past up to 100mg ed but sleep/gains preffer to keep at 50-60mg ed)
t3 25 mcg ed
caber 2 times per week
what compound would do you add to the cycle?
i was thinking on tbol or var(never used any of these 2)
was thinking add something like 6-12 50-60mg var ed
i was thinking on add provi and do somerthing like 75mg ed,week 9 100 mg ed and week 10 150mg ed cause readed that at that doses is worth to add on a test tren cycle.
then what would you add to m ycurrent test tren t3 cycle?always the diet is on point,i am doing a cut recomp and always drop tren a at week 10 for clean the last 2 weeks with only test for dont have any sides of the tren during and at pct

what would you add and at what dose?tbol o var,also have access to sdrol. I am tkaing picture each week,will post the progress,greetings and thanks !!
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Hands down.....Var! If ya have access to legit var. Easy on the sides and a nice clean addition I think.

Not sure I'd add anything.....but if I was it would be Anavar in this stack. No worries about estrogen or sides. The tren keeps ya busy enough with sides. Lol
who tried m1t? i am thinking to give a try at 10mg pre workout then upping 5mg by 5 slowly and see how it goes.would use in the middle of the cycle or better the last 3-4 weeks while on tren?some people say it dry like superdrol want to know who used m1t thanks
Hands down.....Var! If ya have access to legit var. Easy on the sides and a nice clean addition I think.

Not sure I'd add anything.....but if I was it would be Anavar in this stack. No worries about estrogen or sides. The tren keeps ya busy enough with sides. Lol

I dont get any sides at 50mg pinning ed,wit hhigher doses pinning eod you get sides easily

Okai i want to add an not much toxic oral to my simple stack that make always cause i have experience with tren a.
Would be better tbol than 60mg var ed?i ws thinking on do 20mg am 20mg pre workout 20mg pm for stable levels.DOnt know if at 50-60mg ed is really worth or would be better tbol
I dont get any sides at 50mg pinning ed,wit hhigher doses pinning eod you get sides easily

Okai i want to add an not much toxic oral to my simple stack that make always cause i have experience with tren a.
Would be better tbol than 60mg var ed?i ws thinking on do 20mg am 20mg pre workout 20mg pm for stable levels.DOnt know if at 50-60mg ed is really worth or would be better tbol

I don't have tbol experience so I'm sorry, can't really comment there. I have gotten legit var before and that's just a sides free and very efficient way to go in my opinion. Glad you've dialed in the right recipe to prevent tren sides. I haven't yet. Lol. I'm just gonna include it for the first 4 to 6 weeks of my larger test cycles and weather the storm. Hahaha

Let us know what ya decide and how it works out for ya. Looking forward to hearing your results. Have fun bro. Sorry I couldn't contribute much. Wish there were more bros around here to help out like there used to be.
I don't have tbol experience so I'm sorry, can't really comment there. I have gotten legit var before and that's just a sides free and very efficient way to go in my opinion. Glad you've dialed in the right recipe to prevent tren sides. I haven't yet. Lol. I'm just gonna include it for the first 4 to 6 weeks of my larger test cycles and weather the storm. Hahaha

Let us know what ya decide and how it works out for ya. Looking forward to hearing your results. Have fun bro. Sorry I couldn't contribute much. Wish there were more bros around here to help out like there used to be.

no problem thanks,yeah in the past there was more activitie but all i learnt was on this forum.people spending money on some dangerous orals,i only have tried winny and only used 1 time cause on the 3j article test prop tren a winny you get a very nice look but for me winny isnt worth,dry a lot of and then had joints pain during winny usage and during pct.If i add a oral will be var or tbol,i use short esters so i like better use for finisher the last 6 weeks,if someone used tbol and var would apreciate the help cause dont know if add tbol or var to the stack,but will be worth cause every time i do 10 weeks of tren and 12 weeks of test prop for let the tren clear while on then when u go to pct dont have any caber side because when i was strting on this in a cycle made the same weeks of prop and tren a and lol i was depressed as fuck and could get up in 2 weeks,the worst situation of my life trust me,and did some cycles at 700 mg week of tren a but the gains/sides for me isnt worth cause this is a continuous race,for me better shit to under 200 test and 350-420 prop (50-60 mg ED)