1st Cycle Blood Work question


New member
So my cycle is:

Test E : 500mg for 10 weeks (epharma brand)
Test Cyp : 500 for 4 weeks (bio optima)
Arim 0.5mg EoD (Started week 8)

Then PCT.

I got blood work done before my first shot which showed test levels at 30.

I'm on week 10.5 right now and had blood work done at the week 10 mark and my test level is at 22.7.

I've gained good size and I'm not sure why its that low though. I also do have some water weight retention.

Do I need to take PCT? I have 3 weeks left but my levels of test are normal range, as normal is between 7-31.

I know the brands of test are different but mind you i've been taking epharma since the start and that has a good reputation. I've gained good size in 10 weeks and I'm not sure why my blood work shows normal test levels?
Ok first what are your stats, height bf% weight cycle history ect?
Why test cyp and test e?
why did you start adex week 8?
Post up your actual blood work results, 30 means nothing to us without supporting information.
How much weight have you actually gained?

Do you need to take pct? Really?
Did you just inject exogenous test into your body and shut down your natural production? You should be able to answer your own question or you shouldn't have cycled in the first place without proper knowledge.
Ok first what are your stats, height bf% weight cycle history ect?
Why test cyp and test e?
why did you start adex week 8?
Post up your actual blood work results, 30 means nothing to us without supporting information.
How much weight have you actually gained?

Do you need to take pct? Really?
Did you just inject exogenous test into your body and shut down your natural production? You should be able to answer your own question or you shouldn't have cycled in the first place without proper knowledge.

I didnt jump into it without knowledge firstly.


Started weight: 155
Current weight: 185
BF :17%

Did a test cycle with e and put cyp near the end because i had a bottle left, the ester in cyp is a few days longer thats it. Anyhow blood work results:

ALT: 22. U/L
Test: 23.7 nmol/L current
TC/HDL ratio: 4.8

Started adex when I felt the itchyness, was only takingg when required and did it eod to keep water retention to a certain minimum.

Ran a test only cycle to see how my body reacted to it, I ask for PCT because the current doctor told me I could recover clean but I doubt hes correct.

Normal test range is: 7.6 - 31.4 nmol/L
I didnt jump into it without knowledge firstly.


Started weight: 155
Current weight: 185
BF :17%

Did a test cycle with e and put cyp near the end because i had a bottle left, the ester in cyp is a few days longer thats it. Anyhow blood work results:

ALT: 22. U/L
Test: 23.7 nmol/L current
TC/HDL ratio: 4.8

Started adex when I felt the itchyness, was only takingg when required and did it eod to keep water retention to a certain minimum.

Ran a test only cycle to see how my body reacted to it, I ask for PCT because the current doctor told me I could recover clean but I doubt hes correct.

Normal test range is: 7.6 - 31.4 nmol/L

How old are you?
How tall are you?
How do you know your bf%?
Why does your doctor know you are on aas?
Should have ran cyp first imo so you had to wait less time for pct.
How long do you have to wait for pct using cyp?

Here's the kicker, if you really had the knowledge to begin with then you would already know that being on cycle your t levels will be elevated due to the injection of exogenous test, your natural test production will be shut down hence why your t levels are in the "normal range".

Here's the better kicker, when you cycle you don't want to have your t levels in the normal range because then you are effectively on trt.

You want your levels to exceed the normal range because higher than normal levels are what cause faster than normal muscle growth. Did you not understand that in the first place?

Your gear is really underdosed.... Sadly
Why? my natural T levels are higher than your T levels with injections. For reference my natty T sits around 25 nmol/l
Your T levels works out to ~630 ng/dl which is extremely unimpressive.
On trt I've seen members post with averages 1000ng/dl or so.

My advice, abort your cycle, wait 3 weeks, do proper pct. Nolva/clomid
Stop using gear until you have any clue of what you are doing.
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I understand that it must of been bulk gear, thats why im asking. I also understand it should of been higher levels but your full of it, just because i didnt have "good" gear doesnt make me unknowledgeable. Stop being a douche all the way through just to make your point across.

My doctor is a close family friend, so i have a bonus in that sense thats why. Its not just any random doctor. Stop assuming I havent done research when I have. I do though greatly appreciate the time in writing up that post and giving the advice
I understand that it must of been bulk gear, thats why im asking. I also understand it should of been higher levels but your full of it, just because i didnt have "good" gear doesnt make me unknowledgeable. Stop being a douche all the way through just to make your point across.

My doctor is a close family friend, so i have a bonus in that sense thats why. Its not just any random doctor. Stop assuming I havent done research when I have. I do though greatly appreciate the time in writing up that post and giving the advice

If you have the knowledge then demonstrate it, say you think your gear is bunk.
Say you know you should always pct as it provides the best recovery chance.

Basically show you are willing to put in the work to understand what's going on, come up with potential solutions and then ask opinions on those solutions.

That shows a willingness instead of just wanting someone else to lay it all out for you.
You will receive far more willing help if you show an active participation in the process.

Sorry for being a douche.
If you have the knowledge then demonstrate it, say you think your gear is bunk.
Say you know you should always pct as it provides the best recovery chance.

Basically show you are willing to put in the work to understand what's going on, come up with potential solutions and then ask opinions on those solutions.

That shows a willingness instead of just wanting someone else to lay it all out for you.
You will receive far more willing help if you show an active participation in the process.

Sorry for being a douche.

I give it to you, you are correct. And I probably sould of shown more knowledge and backup what I was asking and apologize for not.

I was thinking to finish off one more shot this sat as per schedule (twice a week 250mg) and then wait 18 days and then PCT nolva/clomid with aromasin added. Lots of people are telling me nolva will do the trick but I feel better take alongside clomid.

What I was thinking was that the epharma gear was good but bio optima wasnt so my levels dropped. But a drop to normal in 1.5 weeks doesnt sound right at all, so the gear must of been bunk.
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So my cycle is:

Test E : 500mg for 10 weeks (epharma brand)
Test Cyp : 500 for 4 weeks (bio optima)
Arim 0.5mg EoD (Started week 8)

Then PCT.

I got blood work done before my first shot which showed test levels at 30.

I'm on week 10.5 right now and had blood work done at the week 10 mark and my test level is at 22.7.

I've gained good size and I'm not sure why its that low though. I also do have some water weight retention.

Do I need to take PCT? I have 3 weeks left but my levels of test are normal range, as normal is between 7-31.

I know the brands of test are different but mind you i've been taking epharma since the start and that has a good reputation. I've gained good size in 10 weeks and I'm not sure why my blood work shows normal test levels?

Listen, your cycle looks very good for a beginner. Pct after a cycle is always a MUST if you plan on having your natty test come back. Now as far as your levels go, I have not seen the actual blood work but they are unfortunately very low for the amount of test that you are injecting. I would talk to one of the euro reps here on the site to see what can be done since they have a good reputation. Good luck
As in euro rep who are you referring to? Because id definitely be very intrigued and figuring out what they think about it and so forth. I should add I pin 250mg every wed and sat and pinned yeaterday last. I have PCT on hand.
So you gained 30 pounds on bunk gear in 10 weeks while using an AI in the last two weeks? Something isn't adding up.

What did your LH and FSH come in at on your blood work? It would help if you could post all of your blood work results with reference ranges.
I give it to you, you are correct. And I probably sould of shown more knowledge and backup what I was asking and apologize for not.

I was thinking to finish off one more shot this sat as per schedule (twice a week 250mg) and then wait 18 days and then PCT nolva/clomid with aromasin added. Lots of people are telling me nolva will do the trick but I feel better take alongside clomid.

What I was thinking was that the epharma gear was good but bio optima wasnt so my levels dropped. But a drop to normal in 1.5 weeks doesnt sound right at all, so the gear must of been bunk.

With the cyp ester the standard seems to be 21 days instead of 18. Although with bunk gear I'm not sure it would matter either way.

Clomid and nolva together are a synergistic combo so you are correct there.
Do you know your pct meds are real?
Are you planning on blasting hcg?

Likely in 1.5 weeks your levels should still be higher than normal so it is entirely possible that your cyp could be legit and your test e could've been bunk, without running longer it's hard to say.
I shall post pictures of me prior and so far (10 weeks in) including all test results in order with normal ranges. Ill send out a thorough post shortly!

Problem is I have 3 other buddies who all have had good size of the same supplier, im talking ridiculous size gains.
Thats what Im saying. Yes fat was also gained as I was bulking, but anyhow I shall post pictures as soon as Im home so you guys cna see exact size difference between 10 weeks.

I will also update all blood results exact how there shown onnthe paper so I can get more insight on my next step and so forth.
Thats what Im saying. Yes fat was also gained as I was bulking, but anyhow I shall post pictures as soon as Im home so you guys cna see exact size difference between 10 weeks.

I will also update all blood results exact how there shown onnthe paper so I can get more insight on my next step and so forth.

That's what we like to see, good on ya.
Due to pct issues? Was it all water retention and poor diet?or what was the cause of losing it all?

It was due to water retention and poor diet and training. The Pro Hormone had to have spiked my estrogen out of control and I didnt know what an AI was i thought thats just how it made you feel. I was so lazy and lethargic I barely went to the gym and I was eating about 4-5k cals a day from anything I could get my hands on. Didn't take a PCT and stopped lifting after that,it really fucked me up and I never realized how bad I was until now.
Valuable lesson for everyone regardless of how experienced on the value of keeping in the gym, using an ai, proper pct and generally good cycling practices. Thanks for posting up the info brother.