1st Cycle Ever. Would really appreciate some help...



Hi. I am planning on going on a cycle. This is my first one. I have been studying many steroids and the side effects, how to counter act them, potential post cycle therapy (pct)'s, and the best way to stack certain cycles.

Don't bash me too quickly, as this is what I have gathered so far as to what the safest and best cycle is, in terms of what I want to achieve.

Weeks 1 - 12 - Testosterone ethanate - 300mg - Most likely 150mg Mon&Thurs

Weeks 1 - 4 - Dianabol - 20 or 30mg - Alongside this, I will be taking Milk Thistle to prevent the damage to my liver

post cycle therapy (pct) Weeks 12 - 16 - Administrating Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) & Clomid

I have a very solid diet and training programme. So not to worry about that aspect of it. I am just ready to take my training to the next level. Have been training for 4 years now, and had my ups and downs as everyone probably has, so this isn't some desperation attempt at getting big, and it's not as if I'm inexperienced. I managed to put on 23 pounds in 8 weeks naturally with my very specific and disciplined training programme at one point. Unfortunately, I don't have the time anymore to stick to something as precise as that, but I'm more than on top with my diet, eating either chicken, meant or pasta's for lunch and dinner. Breakfast never goes missed, and I eat every 2 hours through the day, ensuring a rich supply of protein, carbs, and my fair share of fats and insulin spikes. I would gauge around 3000+ calories a day easily.

Anyway. I would appreciate advice revolved around the cycle, particularly my post cycle therapy (pct). I would prefer not to read about how I should not do steroids or anything like that, as I have made a firm decision, its something I'm ready to do. In fact, for around 2 years now, all my friends have been on it, and I have resisted. So I am more than sure this is what I want to do. The one thing I want to do that I don't think they have been doing, is take care of myself more. From what I've gathered, they are on Dianabol, possibly some test e, and nothing else. They're all fine and big. But that's good until it catches up with them.......

SO -

Q1. Is the cycle ok for a first one, in terms of dosage, routine (i.e when and what I'm taking) and the post cycle therapy (pct) supplements? I was considering 500mg Test E, but I heard that could be a bit much for a first time? I understand also from what I have been reading, the post cycle therapy (pct) cycle is essentially THE most important part if you want to keep your gains, and not be f***ed up after. Along with this, it then creates a large discussion about which post cycle therapy (pct) substances to use etc.

Q2. I don't actually know a huge deal about the post cycle therapy (pct) substances. I will go away after this and read up, however, are these injectibles? Are they pills? What are they? I know they are there to help restore your hormone levels and to ease the 'deflating' of any possible water retention. But in a more simplistic way than what I've had a quick skim over, what are the ins and outs of post cycle therapy (pct) substances?

Q3. I have heard here and there that Test E can be found in an oral pill form as well. Is this correct? I would prefer to take pills just for ease of use. I'm quite a busy being up early and around the office all day. I do know though, they are worse on the system. I never really plan to heavily dose on any of this stuff though, so I'm hoping that even if I was to rely heavily on oral form substances, I will never suffer too heavily from side effects.

Q4. Could I say for the first 2 weeks, take 20mg of Dianabol, then up it to 30 or 40mg for the final 2 weeks? Is that wise, or could that be bad for the system?

Q5. What happens after you have finished your post cycle therapy (pct)? Start the cycle again? I've seen nothing about this aspect..

Q6. Is 4 weeks long enough for the post cycle therapy (pct)?

Q7. Lets talk hypothetically... And say this cycle goes smoothly, I iron out the bad aspects of it, get the thumbs up from you guys. What type of gains could I be looking at? I've heard potential 10lbs a week!!!! But I assume that would be a hardened vet to steroids, who is jacking up on 50mg of Dianabol with 2500mg of Test E.
I do pride myself on having a very resilient body. I react well to training, I have been a natural sportsman my whole life. I tend never to get ill, and generally just seem to react well to any previous supplements I have taken. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm no fool. I understand this is a whole new step up. But you get what I'm saying.

Q8. Have I maybe missed the ball entirely with this and maybe should look at something else? I do WANT to be that guy you see and go "wow, he's a big f**k". So I am keen to get a good stack/cycle going. But at the same time, I'm educated and I have qualifications in sports physiology. So I'm not deluded with this stuff. I would never endanger myself if something was REALLY advised against. I want to get this right. And, unfortunately the way the world tends to work is....those with the physical experience always know more than those who may have tonnes of theory knowledge.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Remember, advice on the cycle. Not if I should or shouldn't all together. I got the basics (I think). I need you guys to tell me the finishing touches.

Thanks alot.
Q1. Is the cycle ok for a first one, in terms of dosage, routine (i.e when and what I'm taking) and the post cycle therapy (pct) supplements? I was considering 500mg Test E, but I heard that could be a bit much for a first time? I understand also from what I have been reading, the post cycle therapy (pct) cycle is essentially THE most important part if you want to keep your gains, and not be f***ed up after. Along with this, it then creates a large discussion about which post cycle therapy (pct) substances to use etc.

Always use test as a base. Everything else will shut down your natty test production and cause problems. 500mg is fine for a first cycle.

Q2. I don't actually know a huge deal about the post cycle therapy (pct) substances. I will go away after this and read up, however, are these injectibles? Are they pills? What are they? I know they are there to help restore your hormone levels and to ease the 'deflating' of any possible water retention. But in a more simplistic way than what I've had a quick skim over, what are the ins and outs of post cycle therapy (pct) substances?

Most post cycle therapy (pct) drugs are pill form but can be found in liquid form as well. Read more here and you will quickly learn where to find them and how to use them.

Q3. I have heard here and there that Test E can be found in an oral pill form as well. Is this correct? I would prefer to take pills just for ease of use. I'm quite a busy being up early and around the office all day. I do know though, they are worse on the system. I never really plan to heavily dose on any of this stuff though, so I'm hoping that even if I was to rely heavily on oral form substances, I will never suffer too heavily from side effects.

Inject it

Q4. Could I say for the first 2 weeks, take 20mg of Dianabol, then up it to 30 or 40mg for the final 2 weeks? Is that wise, or could that be bad for the system?

Yes you can or just do 30 the whole way through. Most will tell you to stick to test the first time through and it is good advice

Q5. What happens after you have finished your post cycle therapy (pct)? Start the cycle again? I've seen nothing about this aspect..

Time on+post cycle therapy (pct)=Time off. if your on for 12 weeks plus the 2 week wait for the test to clear your system and then a 4 week post cycle therapy (pct) you are looking at 18 total weeks...so 4 months off would be a safe bet

Q6. Is 4 weeks long enough for the post cycle therapy (pct)?

4 weeks is fine if you have the proper items. Nolva, clomid, or a combination of the two is preferred.

Q7. Lets talk hypothetically... And say this cycle goes smoothly, I iron out the bad aspects of it, get the thumbs up from you guys. What type of gains could I be looking at? I've heard potential 10lbs a week!!!! But I assume that would be a hardened vet to steroids, who is jacking up on 50mg of Dianabol with 2500mg of Test E.
I do pride myself on having a very resilient body. I react well to training, I have been a natural sportsman my whole life. I tend never to get ill, and generally just seem to react well to any previous supplements I have taken. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm no fool. I understand this is a whole new step up. But you get what I'm saying.

you wont put on 10 pounds a week and if you do it will be water weight. what you gain will depend on your diet. eat like a monster and you will grow like a monster

Q8. Have I maybe missed the ball entirely with this and maybe should look at something else? I do WANT to be that guy you see and go "wow, he's a big f**k". So I am keen to get a good stack/cycle going. But at the same time, I'm educated and I have qualifications in sports physiology. So I'm not deluded with this stuff. I would never endanger myself if something was REALLY advised against. I want to get this right. And, unfortunately the way the world tends to work is....those with the physical experience always know more than those who may have tonnes of theory knowledge.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Remember, advice on the cycle. Not if I should or shouldn't all together. I got the basics (I think). I need you guys to tell me the finishing touches.

Thanks alot.

Your age is also a big factor in if you should take the plunge. If you are under 23 I would stay away.
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Your cycle doesn't include an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), which means you're going to see nasty estrogen related sides most likely. Might develop a small lump behind your nipple. BP might skyrocket. Will most likely gain a lot of water weight that you'll subsequently lose.

Using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) properly on cycle makes for a much better, much healthier cycle. .5mg of anastrozole every other day should be fine.

Also, 500mg of test per week isn't too much for a first timer. It should be fine. 12 weeks is good also.
Your cycle doesn't include an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), which means you're going to see nasty estrogen related sides most likely. Might develop a small lump behind your nipple. BP might skyrocket. Will most likely gain a lot of water weight that you'll subsequently lose.

Using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) properly on cycle makes for a much better, much healthier cycle. .5mg of anastrozole every other day should be fine.

Also, 500mg of test per week isn't too much for a first timer. It should be fine. 12 weeks is good also.

yeah i forgot to mention that. Also Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) isnt absolutely neccessary but it should either be used from the beginning or for a 10 day blast starting the day after your last injection, if you are to use it. dont use it in conjunction with your PCT drugs other than an AI.
My suggestion...

Test E at 500 mg per wk Mon/Thurs.
some sort of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout I like a small dose arimidex EOD or .5mg of anastrozole EOD
HCG is not a bad Idea at something like 500 mg per wk throughout cycle.
post cycle therapy (pct) Follow the standard post cycle therapy (pct) sticky on front page.

No orals on your first. see how you respond to the test only. I do not like orals they are harder on your body and have the worst sides for the most part. your post cycle therapy (pct) will be pills I like nolva/clomid combo. Snake answered your "time off question. Good luck and read up all the info you need has been repeated 1000 times on this forum . You just have to locate what you need.

For real on the test only for your first cycle. If you are taking 2 substances and have a reaction to one of them you will not know what is causing the problem. TEST ONLY !!!
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@Solid Snake - Thanks for the response. Much appreciated.

So when you say - Start with just Test, does than mean NOTHING else?? I have read that it actually produces more gains and benefits than Dianabol does. Correct?

And are you saying if I use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), just use it alone during my post cycle therapy (pct)? Not WITH clomid?

Sorry to keep clarifying. Just gathering as much of this as I can.

I'm 24. Why would it be bad to start before 23? I read that 21 was the recommended age. I know why its bad to start before then, but why so old? I knew some people who were jumping on this stuff on their 2nd year of Uni, when they were 19! Nothing has gone wrong with them. Anyway, im digressing.....


Thanks alot for that very simple advice. I had seen that pop up a few times. I had forgotten to research further into it. But sounds right so will definitely look into getting hold of that stuff.

An open question -

Q1. I know we aren't meant to talk of 'sources'. So i hope this doesn't fall under that category. I saw 500 Dianabol tablets for £85. Is that about right? Smell like a scam? They were little blue circular pills.

Q2. How much will the rest of all this extra stuff come to? I saw Test may cost about £130. Is that right? And with all the post cycle therapy (pct) stuff as well. How much does that add on, do you know? Money isn't an issue. Its just so I know what can be legit stuff and not dodgey scams.

Thanks again.
Test solo is a good recommended first cycle...that way if something goes wrong you know its the test and nothing else.

HCG shouldnt be your only PCT drug. you will want a serm like Nolva or clomid but you will want to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during the two weeks between your last injection and starting post cycle. You dont want to start your PCT immediately following your last injection because it takes a couple weeks for the test to clear your system. Check out some of the users logs to get an idea of what other people cycles look like. I have one posted in the My Steroid Cycle forum that is pretty much identical to what you are wanting to run.

as far as the age goes i dont think we can say you have to be a certain age to start but the younger you are the higher your natural test levels are and the higher your natural abilities to grow are. not always the case though but more often than not this is the situation. AAS should be used to get yourself past your natural limit. Im sure there are thousands of 19 year old kids who have juiced and have lived to tell about it but can you honestly say that it is a good idea for guys so young to be playing with things that can have serious consequences if abused.
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@ Dr Steal - Very well put on not being able to tell which would cause the reaction. Does Test still give me positive gains? As I stated above, I heard it can possibly be better than Dianabol itself. Is that right?

And again - just to clarify and get this structure properly. You would advise:

Test (on its own) - 500mg - Mon&Thurs - Weeks 1 - 12
post cycle therapy (pct) with Nolva + Clomid - Weeks 12 - 16
Let Test flush out my system, combined with post cycle therapy (pct) etc, looking at a 4 month off cycle period

Then take Arimidex EOD or 5mg of Anastrozole EOD while on Test

you can get very good gains on test alone.

your post cycle therapy (pct) wont start until week 14. should look like this

1-12 - Test 500mg
14-18 - Nolva 40/40/20/20
14-18 - Clomid 50/50/50/50.

Arimidex and anastrozole are the same thing. Arimidex is the brand name. .25mg-.5mg for the duration of the cycle and post cycle therapy (pct)
@ Yep, spot on. If abused they can be horrible things. And I suppose at 19 it could be easy to get carried away with the idea of steroids = BIG = COOL, with no consideration the patience and safety that has to be put into it.

And excuse me, I'm confused about post cycle therapy (pct).

"you will want a serm like Nolva or clomid but you will want to run post cycle therapy (pct) during the two weeks between your last injection and starting post cycle"

Starting a post cycle? I'm not lost. I thought you post cycle therapy (pct)'d for 4 weeks, then waited around 12 weeks before beginning again.

I will take a look at the cycle logs. Thankyou
@ Solid Snake - Thankyou, you explained as I was responding. If you don't mind, could you just clear up that confusion for me anyway, even though you have given me a structure ?

@ Yep, spot on. If abused they can be horrible things. And I suppose at 19 it could be easy to get carried away with the idea of steroids = BIG = COOL, with no consideration the patience and safety that has to be put into it.

And excuse me, I'm confused about PCT.

"you will want a serm like Nolva or clomid but you will want to run HCG during the two weeks between your last injection and starting post cycle"

Starting a post cycle? I'm not lost. I thought you PCT'd for 4 weeks, then waited around 12 weeks before beginning again.

I will take a look at the cycle logs. Thankyou

how's that?
Sorry. We're confusing ourselves. Haha.

After 12 weeks of Test
I can use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for 2 weeks
Then PCT for 4 weeks.

You then mentioned in your first response that it would take around 4 months before I can start my next cycle. After my PCT, (which would be 6 weeks after my last injection) do I just do nothing and train normally? Then after those 18 weeks after my last injection, I can jump back on test then?
@Solid Snake - Just read your "First Cycle".

Looked good. Will take the formula you used, but maybe just take Dianabol out of it. I am tempted to keep it in, as I can get hold of that stuff so easy. We will see. May just buy it and keep it until a second cycle. Anyway -

As long as I can understand when I can begin my 2nd cycle after completing my PCT, I think I will be good to go?? Thanks a lot for the help!!
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