1st cycle....need advise.


New member
I am currently 5 weeks in on a Test E cycle 250 MGs twice per week, and A-Dex EOD. I have gained very little ( 7 pounds) up to this point and am starting to get frustrated. I can visually see changes in my body and my lifts are up a good bit, but the scale doesn't lie. I assumed I would be able to gain at least 15 pounds on my first cycle. My brother and I are on the exact same cycle, same diet, same work outs and he is up like 16 pounds....now to be fair, I had a good bit higher BF than he did before we started, and my waist measurement has gone down 1 size in the past 4 weeks. He is also 10 years younger than I. I am 34 YO. My question is, I had originally planned to do Test-E for 12 weeks at 500 MGs per week. Could I up my dosage to 750 MG's per week and run it out to 10 weeks instead to see more gains or should I be patient and see what happens with the remainder of this cycle. Maybe I have't given it enough time to actually work. Is the scale always a good indicator of how you are gaining? Is it possible to lose fat and gain muscle in an even proportion? My starting weight was 209 and I am up to 216. Any advise?
7lbs of lean mass in 5 weeks is good. is your brother taking arimidex?

i wouldn't up the dose of test. your blood levels are just getting stable now and upping the dose would throw them off.

500mg is a good dose. many people never go above this dose.

if you want to gain more then eat more. if he's a lighter weight then you then he needs less calories to grow.
arimidex will effect weight gain. If your bro isnt taking arimidex he is going to retain more water thus putting on more weight.

Ne specific reason for the arimidex?
I am currently taking .25 MGs EOD of arimidex to combat any gyno or bloating....thus far have not suffered either. Do I need to drop the Adex until I see or feel signs of Bloating or Gyno? My brother is also taking the same dose of Adex. He is also about 6' tall and I am only 5'6. Not sure if that has anything to do with it. I was hoping someone would say that the mirror is a better indicator of progress than a scale. I can visually see the differences and people around me are noticing as well. I just cant understand why I havent gained any significant wieght? Another difference is our training schedule......he is a full time college student and I have a full time job, wife and kids. I hit the gym 5-6 days a week and work 1 body part per day about an hour to an hour and a half. He hits the gym 5-6 days a week hitting 2 body parts per day for about 2 to 2.5 hours each time. He also gets between 8-10 hours a sleep per day, and I average about 4-6 hours. We both are comparable on the weights we use.....I just cant figure it out. I will not up the dose for this cycle......thanks for the help. What can I do to pack on more lean muscle in my remaining 7 weeks?
being a trainer myself i get tired of telling people weight doesn't matter. if u lost an inch on your waist and can see results and your strength is up then why r u getting frustrated? stick wit it ur losing BF and everything sounds like its working fine