1st Cycle Opinion


New member
1st Cycle Opinion - help me educate before I medicate :-D

Hi All,

I'm sure I am probably the 1,000,000 person to of made a post like this. But seeing as most of you can roll the information off the tip of your tongue im just looking for a little help and guidance and if you lot dont mind.

So to start I have been lifting now for 3 years and now how to work my diet, fats-carbs-protein also when and what to lift for me its all in check.

I was told to start a cycle of just the start of this year and did a 6 week course of dinabol and winstrol. Now from reading posts on here I can see that an oral only cycle is not much point in most poeples opinons. I did however gain around 4.5kgs

So here is where I am now and what my goals are:

chest 41"
waist 32"
Arm 12.6"
quad 23"
calves 14.5"
shoulders 48"
73 kgs
12% body fat
5ft 10"
body type = ectomorph (:redhot:) !
My goal is to bulk up and gain lean mass.

What I am asking is if you can point me in the right direction of what cycle to look into based on my criteria and goals. I have seen a couple of posts that talk about going for a start cycle of test e of 14 weeks and a kick start dinabol for 6 weeks and clomid/nolvadex as a PCT.

If at you want to send me to a link that can tell me all I need to know then sure I have no problems in reading this, I just feel overwelmed by the amount of acticles that are labelled "beginner cycle" so I was just hoping that you guys could give me a helping hand please.

Also can I ask what ratio you guys do when on gear for your food. Will 40/40/20 be okay? (proteins-carbs-fats) Also how much over the norm of a bulking diet do you add kcal wise when on gear, I have read that 2.0g of protein is advised per kg of lean mass.

If there is any newbie programme out there then that would be awesome!! Then again miracles dont happen and programmes are not handed to you on a silver platter.....only if!!

Look forward to hearing your comments.

Gary :biggthump
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You are not 12% BF....more like 8%.
If you've been lifting for 3 years and have 12.6" arms, I can definitely say you have not been eating enough. 40/40/20 is good but you need to get way more calories than you have in the past. You have a good foundation to start from. I think you could make great gains if you just increase your food intake and continue to train hard.
You are not 12% BF....more like 8%.
If you've been lifting for 3 years and have 12.6" arms, I can definitely say you have not been eating enough. 40/40/20 is good but you need to get way more calories than you have in the past. You have a good foundation to start from. I think you could make great gains if you just increase your food intake and continue to train hard.

hey man, sorry maybe I should of been more clear, my pick is when i was around 9/10% bf but currently im sitting at 12% and whenI said 3 years lifting what I should of really said is that only the last 18 months of that have been proper focused weight training, as you can imagine gaining weight for me really is a mission being an ecto. But in a way you are correct I should be getting more cals down me. I really want to do my homework and find what is going to be best.

I was just seeing if anyone could tip me off in the right direction as to where to start, im not looking for the info to be just be handed to me of course!

Cheers for that anyway, Gary
Seriously you have the internet at your finger tips... Do some research and in the mean time train hard and eat, eat, eat..

You say you were not looking for the "info to be just handed to me" well could have fooled me it's exactly what you are doing...

P.S. Don't put an avatar up of some other dude...that's just gay!
Seriously you have the internet at your finger tips... Do some research and in the mean time train hard and eat, eat, eat..

You say you were not looking for the "info to be just handed to me" well could have fooled me it's exactly what you are doing...

P.S. Don't put an avatar up of some other dude...that's just gay!

I am doing some research cheers, whilst im doing so there might be some people out there that have been in the same position as me and give me some tips or pointers. Yeh i know to eat eat eat whether doing it natty or roids.

Not at all looking for a hand out, just maybe some kind words and advice, im sure everyone has been in the same place as me and there is not really a beginners guide on here to be honest its all dribs and drabs of info on sorts of different stacks that is confusing me for sure on where to start! Henc I am asking for help!!!!

P.S. mate, that is me in the picture not an internet picture, so get your facts right before you start passing the comments perhaps!! Maybe you should upload one so it can be slated also?!

Im not looking for sarcasm or citisism, help and advice is what I asked for is it not.

= = =

Thanks to those that have replied with helpfull posts.

Just do a search and read the cycles forums. You'll find everything you need. btw first cycle is always test shots alone.
I would rec HCGenerate during cycle or real HCG if you dont mind extra shots. both are great used at ending of cycle ot help when you are in PCT.