1st cycle with log ! TREN A / Test prop / TBOL


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1st cycle TREN A / Test prop / TBOL keeping a log

So i have decided to run my first anabolic cycle and with some tips and suggestions from a experienced bodybuilder friend of mine , i will be running a 12 week cycle of tren acetate , tbol and test prop . kindly give me your thoughts on my goals and advices if needed =) haters don't bother .

here are my stats

24 male
height = 163
weight = 67kg
body fat % = 19-20% ( i know its pretty high so im running a cutting cycle )

MY Goals = to drop from 20% bf to 15-16% bf . look more vascular , basic cuttings to be obvious .

Cycle regime

week 1 - 12 = daily dose of 2 caps TBOL ( 80mg)
Week 1 - 12 every monday , wednesday and friday = 200mcg of test prop , tren a
in between i might run clen and t3 as well or maybe on the last four weeks .
nolvadex on hand if i notice any puffy nipples or itch , ill run 1 tablet of nolva(20mg) daily throughout the cycle

PCT will be cLomid and HCG .

as for training regime ,

monday = chest , triceps
tuesday = back , abs
wednesday = legs or swimming for an hour
thursday = shoulders , abs
friday = back , triceps
saturday = swimming 1 hour
sunday = rest day or swimming 1 hour .

( i incorporated more cardio so lose off my belly hopefully )

Diet = Intermittent fasting with calories of 1,500-2,000

i have a 8 hour eating window and a 16 hour fast .

meal 1 = pre workout at 1pm = 3 scoops protein shake with bcaa ( 70+ g protein ) 15g bcaa
1.30-3pm = workout
meal 2 3.15pm = 4 eggs with yolk , 30g oat organic with 1 scoop peanut butter and a banana , 2 tilapia loins , 3 scoop protein shake .
meal 3 = 5.30 pm protein shake x 3 scoops
meal 4 = 7.30-8pm chicken thigh or breast or sometimes whole chicken depending on my mood T.T
last meal = 9-10pm 3 scoops protein shake .
total protien would be around 400g , carbs around 50-100g , calories should not exceed 2000.

well i did my first jab of tren and test prop = cocktailed them which is about 2ml . surprisingly its the best experience ever ,, no pain , no blood , no complications .. im on second day of cycle now and im looking forward to wednesday for my second jab =D . workout was normal but feel a little more lethargic .

i hope my goals ain't too unrealistic , ill try to post some pictures if possible . cheers spartans !
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Too many compounds for first cycle. Terrible post cycle therapy (pct). No Aromatase inhibitor (AI). No dopamine agonist. Terrible diet. Good luck
Too many compounds for first cycle. Terrible post cycle therapy (pct). No Aromatase inhibitor (AI). No dopamine agonist. Terrible diet. Good luck
Maybe you might want to give some suggestions? That's the purpose of me posting this to see if I have Any aspects I need improving on. As for diet wise would it be better if I don't do intermittent fasting and eat every 3 hours or so? I'll incorporate more veg Normally I have one cup of broccoli with every meal. And more lean meat? . As for ais, I didn't state I have daily dose of 4 caps fish oil, one cap vit c, one cap milk thistle, one cap Tudca and one cap multi vits daily.
All you need for a first cycle is test and a good diet. You have way too many whey shakes. Its best for your protein to come from whole foods. I would hit up 3j and find out if this diet is what you need. You also need to research 1st cycles, ai's, and pcts
Maybe you might want to give some suggestions? That's the purpose of me posting this to see if I have Any aspects I need improving on. As for diet wise would it be better if I don't do intermittent fasting and eat every 3 hours or so? I'll incorporate more veg Normally I have one cup of broccoli with every meal. And more lean meat? . As for ais, I didn't state I have daily dose of 4 caps fish oil, one cap vit c, one cap milk thistle, one cap Tudca and one cap multi vits daily.

I also run 20mg nolvadex from day one and have adex on standby
All you need for a first cycle is test and a good diet. You have way too many whey shakes. Its best for your protein to come from whole foods. I would hit up 3j and find out if this diet is what you need. You also need to research 1st cycles, ai's, and pcts

Thanks for the info. I will update my new diet plan Tomorrow after my second pin.
That is a long time to run Tbol as well. I would be taking plenty of NAC at a minimum. Like 1200-1800mg per day.

Cut that time and dose in half too.
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That is the most retarded first cycle I have seen for awhile. You don't need any other compound but Test. Period. No one is going to support your decision to run Tren as a first cycle. Also, please remove "experienced" from in front of your friends name. Any one with half a brain or a lick of experience would not suggest that for a first time user. Additionally, Nolva doesn't need to be run during the cycle, that is for post cycle therapy (pct). Again, looks like your friend might be stuck in the 1980's. HCG isn't run during post cycle therapy (pct) like stated so you need to learn about that. You also need to control prolactin from running a 19-nor steroid like Tren. I promise you have no clue what that is about. Your body is your temple. Don't fuck it up because you only have one. This shit should have been researched but instead you inject first and then ask questions later. Not a smart move. Think about it, if you were to buy a house or a car, would you just walk up to a car and buy it without test driving it?? Why in the hell would you put a forum compound in your body without researching it. And trust me, your friend doesn't know shit. He may look good but some people full of cocaine look good too. Even though you are on the shorter side, weighing in the 140's is not a lot. You definitely should get your weight up naturally before touching gear in the first place. Looks like diet and training knowledge is missing too. There is just so much wrong with your post its unbelievable. How do you plan to run your post cycle therapy (pct) by the way and when are you starting it??
That is the most retarded first cycle I have seen for awhile. You don't need any other compound but Test. Period. No one is going to support your decision to run Tren as a first cycle. Also, please remove "experienced" from in front of your friends name. Any one with half a brain or a lick of experience would not suggest that for a first time user. Additionally, Nolva doesn't need to be run during the cycle, that is for post cycle therapy (pct). Again, looks like your friend might be stuck in the 1980's. HCG isn't run during post cycle therapy (pct) like stated so you need to learn about that. You also need to control prolactin from running a 19-nor steroid like Tren. I promise you have no clue what that is about. Your body is your temple. Don't fuck it up because you only have one. This shit should have been researched but instead you inject first and then ask questions later. Not a smart move. Think about it, if you were to buy a house or a car, would you just walk up to a car and buy it without test driving it?? Why in the hell would you put a forum compound in your body without researching it. And trust me, your friend doesn't know shit. He may look good but some people full of cocaine look good too. Even though you are on the shorter side, weighing in the 140's is not a lot. You definitely should get your weight up naturally before touching gear in the first place. Looks like diet and training knowledge is missing too. There is just so much wrong with your post its unbelievable. How do you plan to run your post cycle therapy (pct) by the way and when are you starting it??
Once again, I would rather you give me advices rather then slamming me right on bro. I'm runnimg nolvadex and tudca full liver support one cap daily along with cycle. Diet wise I'm only.planning to go that which after being pointed out I am changing to a 3j bulking diet. 3 hours every meal with high protein low carbs (I'm Carb sensitive 100% endomorph ) and moderate fats. Training wise why is it bad? I've dropped 4% bf and gained some lean mass know this regime. I'm very dedicated to my training and constantly trying to learn new stuffs Yes I am a beginner thus I need advice. Hcg will be used towards the end of cycle. Pct will be clomid and nolvadex.
Once again, I would rather you give me advices rather then slamming me right on bro. I'm runnimg nolvadex and tudca full liver support one cap daily along with cycle. Diet wise I'm only.planning to go that which after being pointed out I am changing to a 3j bulking diet. 3 hours every meal with high protein low carbs (I'm Carb sensitive 100% endomorph ) and moderate fats. Training wise why is it bad? I've dropped 4% bf and gained some lean mass know this regime. I'm very dedicated to my training and constantly trying to learn new stuffs Yes I am a beginner thus I need advice. Hcg will be used towards the end of cycle. Pct will be clomid and nolvadex.

No one is slamming you. Don't be so sensitive. You still haven't outlined what you are going to do about prolactin nor did you detail your post cycle therapy (pct). What dosages and when are you starting post cycle therapy (pct)? As for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), if should be run from the start or the days leading up to post cycle therapy (pct). I suggest you abort this cycle and do it right next time or at least order some long ester gear like Test E or C and run it for 12 weeks. As for Nolva, nolva should be run during your post cycle therapy (pct). Nolva blocks gyno from attaching to the receptors but does not lower total estrogen in the body. So in this case, adex is best run during this cycle from the start and a dope agonist like Caber as well to battle prolactin. Hopefully after this post, you realize how many light years you are behind on this cycle.
Once again, I would rather you give me advices rather then slamming me right on bro. I'm runnimg nolvadex and tudca full liver support one cap daily along with cycle. Diet wise I'm only.planning to go that which after being pointed out I am changing to a 3j bulking diet. 3 hours every meal with high protein low carbs (I'm Carb sensitive 100% endomorph ) and moderate fats. Training wise why is it bad? I've dropped 4% bf and gained some lean mass know this regime. I'm very dedicated to my training and constantly trying to learn new stuffs Yes I am a beginner thus I need advice. Hcg will be used towards the end of cycle. Pct will be clomid and nolvadex.

Double post......ignore.
No one is slamming you. Don't be so sensitive. You still haven't outlined what you are going to do about prolactin nor did you detail your post cycle therapy (pct). What dosages and when are you starting post cycle therapy (pct)? As for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), if should be run from the start or the days leading up to post cycle therapy (pct). I suggest you abort this cycle and do it right next time or at least order some long ester gear like Test E or C and run it for 12 weeks. As for Nolva, nolva should be run during your post cycle therapy (pct). Nolva blocks gyno from attaching to the receptors but does not lower total estrogen in the body. So in this case, adex is best run during this cycle from the start and a dope agonist like Caber as well to battle prolactin. Hopefully after this post, you realize how many light years you are behind on this cycle.


Op this is why I was vague in my first response. You don't understand what you're putting in your body, plus i had a feeling you wouldn't listen since you've already started. You need to abort and research about first cycles. Not prop combined with tren and oral for a first. That's gonna put you on a fast track to disaster because you will have no idea what is causing what sides. Good luck
Yes I have already made up my mind on this. And I have a clearer picture now. I will run asecond as well and get a better post cycle therapy (pct). Thanks for the info guys I will work it up and reduce risk to the lowest
Whats wrong with just sorting out your diet, using no PEDS, and naturally dropping your BF down to 11-12% naturally. At the moment you do realise your saying a 1/5th of your weight is pure fat. At 67kg thats shameful mate! You could be 67kg and 5% BF on here, and people would still be telling you to grow naturally.

Once you have your diet in check.... with real food, less protein powder, and some knowledge, I would look to run a basic Test Cycle. There are enough posts daily that read "check my first cycle" - and then people get advised to run 500mg Test / week for 12-14 weeks, using HCG whilst on cycle, and then running a proper PCT with Aromatase inhibitor (AI) meds on hand throughout the cycle.

I genuinly think you have done zero research... the only way you will have ended up running this cycle is if either your supplier was having a bad day and using you as his joke (to steal your cash), or if youve been listening to some meat head steriod abuser with genetics closer to an ape than an informed BB!

Just google "tren and cardio" then remind me why your doing lots of cardio again?

Im not even going down the route of asking about the T3s and Clen... that just screams to me your after a magical pill to fix everything.

Bottom line - you've invested alot of time, effort, and money in getting fat. Its going to take the same (time, effort, and money - on clean food) to get skinny again.
Whats wrong with just sorting out your diet, using no PEDS, and naturally dropping your BF down to 11-12% naturally. At the moment you do realise your saying a 1/5th of your weight is pure fat. At 67kg thats shameful mate! You could be 67kg and 5% BF on here, and people would still be telling you to grow naturally.

Once you have your diet in check.... with real food, less protein powder, and some knowledge, I would look to run a basic Test Cycle. There are enough posts daily that read "check my first cycle" - and then people get advised to run 500mg Test / week for 12-14 weeks, using HCG whilst on cycle, and then running a proper PCT with Aromatase inhibitor (AI) meds on hand throughout the cycle.

I genuinly think you have done zero research... the only way you will have ended up running this cycle is if either your supplier was having a bad day and using you as his joke (to steal your cash), or if youve been listening to some meat head steriod abuser with genetics closer to an ape than an informed BB!

Just google "tren and cardio" then remind me why your doing lots of cardio again?

Im not even going down the route of asking about the T3s and Clen... that just screams to me your after a magical pill to fix everything.

Bottom line - you've invested alot of time, effort, and money in getting fat. Its going to take the same (time, effort, and money - on clean food) to get skinny again.