20 YO Cycle done


New member
Hello Steroidology!

I'm a guy, 20 years old who have been doing a 50 days of 20mg Dianabol. post cycle therapy (pct) with nolvadex.

I gained alot of strenght during cycle, also alot of weight. Lost about 20% of weight after dbol. Lost few reps on my weights so overall it has been a good cycle for me.

Before the cycle I concluded I was ready to take the sides that dbol may cause or rather any steroid would cause. Plan was to do a dbol only cycle and later do a 250mg/week test cycle just to see how I respond to these drugs before doing a "real" cycle with ~500ish/week test along with blasts with dbol.

Anyways, now I regret doing this dbol cycle... regret doing steroids at all. I should've waited, just as ppl here on the board say to ppl starting a new thread about their upcoming cycle...

Problem is for me, I've already done it. I've done the mistake. So now I'm asking you guys this:

*I'm afraid I may have permanently ruined my natural testosterone produciton. Does anyone have experience from steroids at young age and how they turned out ~10 years later?

*Lets say I've already ditched my "teenage high testosterone", would you guys think its a bad idea to do more steroids now (due to the fact that my "natural high testosterone" probably may be that of a "normal" 30 years old now)? Maybe some low-androgenic steroids, in regards of not damaging my brain.

And lastly, if anyone reads this who havent turned into AAS yet but thinking of it at a young age. Think twice, what the ppl says here on the board is really true. I was too stupid to be too excited to try it, I thought I had all my research done but my impatience got me miss some of the most important parts.

Best regards,
you have probably already fucked your self up. you are not finished developing until around the age of 25. and stroids STOP/mess that up FOR GOOD when used young.....
(not juts height i mean DEVELOPMENT!)
NO don't do any more! as you probably already did the harm, to do more is bad.

also read this---> http://www.steroidology.com/forum/anabolic-steroid-forum/598646-oral-cycles.html

Threads liek this really piss me of... very sad...

read the noobie section...
wait a few months after post cycle therapy (pct) and go for blood test, then again in a few years, we cant tell you what your issues will be now.... maybe being put on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) soon..
Thanks for response, not sure if you're exaggerating but I think I get your point. Too bad, I'll hope for the best =/

Any else with experiences ? ^^
I don't think you fucked up your natural production completely. Let's just say recovery is going to take a long time as you are shut down with no test base added to a cycle you shouldn't have taken. Hows your libido?

Get on clomid 100/50/50/25 and get blood work now to see how much test you are working with. Follow it up by getting more blood work a few months later. Good luck.
Thanks for response, not sure if you're exaggerating but I think I get your point. Too bad, I'll hope for the best =/

Any else with experiences ? ^^

It CAN mess up development in young and thats for life. it may not be bad for you or even noticeable, or it may mean low levels or other endocrine issues.
you may be fine and never know what damage may have been done or vise versa and end up pissed up you have low sperm count or test levels....

I wish you the best, just give it a few more years to be safe man. i mean your not 15 thank god. but even at 20 your not finished development yet.

good luck

not sure if even clomid is a good idea at your age since it acts as an estrogen in some parts and blocking other effects. I would not use ANYTHING , just go clean for a few months and go for blood test just to double check your test levels.
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and DONT tell your doc abotu ANY steroid use, just say you been feeling tired and a bit depressed for no good reason and also that you have found your sex drive has been low the last year and sex seems less interesting and you juts want to make sure your hormone levels are normal since (uncle or w/e) family member has low testosterone levels and you want ot see if it is an issue with you also.
Hello =)

Thanks alot for your responses, really appreciate it!

Well I'm feeling well now. Stronger than ever before and no problems with libido/mood or anything actually...

All I'm abit worried about is if I've sort of "Lowered my maximum muscle potential being clean". I mean, if I never did this I might be at 90kg ripped, but now that I did this cycle my body will stop at like 89.5kg. That I wont be able to keep as much muscle at a lower percentage of fat then I would if I never cycled ^^ Get the point?

Chill dude, sounds like it's mostly in your head. testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) isn't so bad tho haha. You can't take anything back so don't worry about it. Get some bloods done and im sure everything will come back normal.
Hello =)

Thanks alot for your responses, really appreciate it!

Well I'm feeling well now. Stronger than ever before and no problems with libido/mood or anything actually...

All I'm abit worried about is if I've sort of "Lowered my maximum muscle potential being clean". I mean, if I never did this I might be at 90kg ripped, but now that I did this cycle my body will stop at like 89.5kg. That I wont be able to keep as much muscle at a lower percentage of fat then I would if I never cycled ^^ Get the point?


why do you think that?
where did you get this idea?
passed steroid use or no steroid you you can make gains passed your last max with or without steroid , up to an extent yes. but you at 20, your not even close to your max WITHOUT steroids.

keep lifting. steroids dont put you on "pause" but doing them young CAN limit your gains ...yes