22 GRAMS of GEAR per week!!!


New member
For entertainment purposes I listened to the Bostin Loyd vid of his last prep cycle, it was approximately 22 grams of gear for 20 weeks of the following:

Test E 3500mg
Test Suspension 700mg
Deca 800mg
EQ 1200mg
NPP 800mg
Primo E 2100mg
Primo A 350mg
Tren A 2100mg
Tren Suspension 375mg
Mast 2100mg
Winstrol 1050mg

Dbol 350mg
Drol 1050mg
Winstrol 1050mg
Anavar 1050mg
Halo 420mg
Proviron 1400mg
Superdrol 350mg
Primo 875mg

Plus HGH, DNP, AI & Peptides

The Vid:
i would be an emotional wreck if i was on all that shit i dont know how he does it. honestly i dont even think top pros use that much gear
I'm pretty sure he's full of shit. Do big boys run bigger cycles than we typically talk about here? Yes. Are they really stuffing ten vials of oil into their bodies? Very seriously doubt it.

I cannot fathom 2g of tren. 1g has me chasing boogeymen and a hair's breadth away from choking the 145lb kid slamming weights to death. Oh, and I consider myself well adjusted...LOL
and this is what it got him.... beat by a long shot, flat as fek and unimpressive all together.


funny thing is now he's saying diet matters just as much as drugs but still discredits training... at least he's 2/3rds the way there now, before he was only 1/3rd saying it's ONLY drugs... one day he'll come out and say wait a minute you might just need diet, drugs, AND training :) lol
There is no way he was serious about all that gear. I worked with a couple pretty big names when I lived in California and they weren't on that much even in the "off season". If he is taking that he's a fucking idiot.
I'm pretty sure most pros do just fine with 5-6 grams of gear the important shit is hgh & slin
Doubt it. Dude was 21 and a cycle like that would cost probably 10-20 grand!

he was making 50k/month for two months from his paid membership forum that he started and his personal training. with the amount of members he currently has still making about 9k/month, also has his own pre workout that I see every phag at my gym using and t shirts, clothing line too. the dude is gear stupid, business smart so far...
Man you lost me at the tren dosage. Somebody will die... Me or my neighbor!!!!

1400 mgs of tren for a few weeks wasn't really anything I couldn't handle If i could afford it I'd do it for fun. He probably doesn't respond well like me and had to compansate. I'm pretty sure he has a agenda promoting such crazy use, maybe he sells gear who knows. But back to the tren I know guys that use 250 mg ed on blasts but aremonsters
For entertainment purposes I listened to the Bostin Loyd vid of his last prep cycle, it was approximately 22 grams of gear for 20 weeks of the following:

Test E 3500mg
Test Suspension 700mg
Deca 800mg
EQ 1200mg
NPP 800mg
Primo E 2100mg
Primo A 350mg
Tren A 2100mg
Tren Suspension 375mg
Mast 2100mg
Winstrol 1050mg

Dbol 350mg
Drol 1050mg
Winstrol 1050mg
Anavar 1050mg
Halo 420mg
Proviron 1400mg
Superdrol 350mg
Primo 875mg

Plus HGH, DNP, AI & Peptides

The Vid:

BULLSHIT... he very well have been on those dosages, but not all at one time... long esters switching to shorter ester is quite common pre-contest, but not how you have it written
BULLSHIT... he very well have been on those dosages, but not all at one time... long esters switching to shorter ester is quite common pre-contest, but not how you have it written

He did drop certain things later on, closer to the comp, but he tapered up to the doses listed and then started dropping different substances.

He also had no comprehension of esters, as he pinned Test P & Test E, because as he says there was room in the syringe "team 3 cc".
1400 mgs of tren for a few weeks wasn't really anything I couldn't handle If i could afford it I'd do it for fun. He probably doesn't respond well like me and had to compansate. I'm pretty sure he has a agenda promoting such crazy use, maybe he sells gear who knows. But back to the tren I know guys that use 250 mg ed on blasts but aremonsters
250 ED????? Fuck me, more power to them. Ain't no way for this redneck, I'd have a register number hoing fields..... I've played with tren, like a fat bitch, just couldn't do it...