23 years old, first cycle looking at some EPISTANE

Get some test and run it at 500mg a week for 12 weeks.

Also need real pct. Otc pct supps are fake and do not work.
I don't want to do "anabolics", I want to start with a pro hormone, so any more advice on those?

What am I looking for in a PCT if those are fake then bud?
Do your homework. Injectable AAS doesn't harm your liver like prohormones can and the results are better. You aren't one of those guys that is afraid of a little needle, are you?

PCT should be done with real medications. Clomifene and Tamoxifen.

Pro hormones are shit. Commit or don't. But you gotta pay to play. Haha

What are your stats/goals? Why are you considering aas or PH? Are u an athlete or amateur competitor or something?

I don't usually harp on this at all. I can't because I didnt do it myself...but have you reached your genetic potential or close to it naturally? I doubt it at 23 yes old.

Megatron is dead on tho...otc pct supplements are shit. They are fake, won't do much but leave your ass out in the wind.
Legit clomid and nolvadex are too easy to get...pct is the last place id skimp.
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I posted in the PRO Hormone section to avoid the normal "DON'T USE THESE DO IT PROPERLY"

It's just my preference as of right now I don't want to inject, I want to take a pro hormone which is why I am asking about it.

I don't compete for anything other than myself. My goals, stronger, bigger. My stats as of right are 5'7 75kgs, god knows bf, around 15%?

I wouldn't say I've hit my genetic potential but minimal gains over the last couple years. Plenty of people at my work are taking pro hormones so I have decided I'll do a bit of research and start my own cycle, something mild and build up to it to see how I handle the side effects.

Nolvadex I've read that many times, so guessing that is 100% what I want/need
Diff strokes for diff folks. Just want to help make information available to you to make an informed decision. That being said I have also seen a lot of guys at work doing PH with good results. line 1 nutrition is what most of them run. I've noticed decent gains on some co workers. But these are guys that knto how to train and eat. Just not my style. I can spend half what they spend on that shit and make and retain better gains.
However sounds like your mind is pretty well made up.
I am just not ready for injectables yet. I'd rather if anything start on the mild stuff and then work up to that if I ever decided to actually use them. I am not looking to be a monster, I gave up with that idea years ago when I realized I am just not built for it.

However I just some increased performance in the gym (strength gains ) and to get some size on me. I feel deserve it as I work hard, train smart and eat well.

Epistane seems a good place to start, but I'm struggling with the PCT as everyone suggests nolvadex but I cannot for the life of me find it, guessing because it's not OTC?
I am just not ready for injectables yet. I'd rather if anything start on the mild stuff and then work up to that if I ever decided to actually use them. I am not looking to be a monster, I gave up with that idea years ago when I realized I am just not built for it.

However I just some increased performance in the gym (strength gains ) and to get some size on me. I feel deserve it as I work hard, train smart and eat well.

Epistane seems a good place to start, but I'm struggling with the PCT as everyone suggests nolvadex but I cannot for the life of me find it, guessing because it's not OTC?

I hope you realize that prohormones are NOT the mild stuff. They are going to really take a toll on your liver. Better invest in some NAC and run a lot of blood work to make sure your liver stays reasonably healthy.

I personally don't get prohormones -- but perhaps that is just me. Worse on your body (liver) and less in the way of gains when compared to AAS. They may even cost more $ than real AAS. So to sum it up: harder on your body and cost more for less muscle mass gain. I would love to be enlightened though if I am off base here. Am I missing part of the equation that makes prohormones an attractive option -- other than not having to inject which a lot of kids are scared of?
Don't have to inject for one, don't have to store in the fridge for two, easier to take capsules for three?

I am from the UK so believe they're still legal?

Also I understand Epistane is mild though, mild gains, mild side effects?
Don't have to inject for one, don't have to store in the fridge for two, easier to take capsules for three?

I am from the UK so believe they're still legal?

Also I understand Epistane is mild though, mild gains, mild side effects?

FYI: You should not store AAS in the fridge.

So not injecting / swallowing pills outweighs the risk to your liver? I really like my liver and everything is does for me. Do you like yours?
Must not have watched my linked video if u honestly feel they are in any way MILD. I don't keep any of my gear in the fridge. I just find it much simpler to prick an ass cheek once Monday and once Thursday and forego the strain on my organs. Like I said tho. Diff strokes. I've offered information on both sides of the debate. Choose wisely and good luck
Test e - 300mg/10ml

1 little injection once per week - big whoop,, easier then having to remember swallowing all those pills daily
I don't want to do "anabolics", I want to start with a pro hormone, so any more advice on those?

What am I looking for in a PCT if those are fake then bud?

You realize "prohoromones" are harsher and more toxic right? dont let the fact they are OTC sold fool you.

as stated, real PCT, first cycle i rec test only for 12-14 weeks + an ai during . maybe use the epi as a kick start to cycle the next time if you have it already.

just keep researching and you will know what we mean : )

As for PCT: RUI products has it. Tamox and clomi IMO, just click the banner up top
Just honestly don't fancy injecting, swallowing is easier. Also I have read previously that they can be more harsh on your liver. But I would take supplements to aid that, I also don't drink at all, drink plenty of water and I already take creatine so I'd like to think my liver is pretty healthy. I'd do a 6 week cycle, 4 week PCT then wouldn't touch them again for another couple of months if they prove effective.
If you prefer swallowing...nevermind :cum:

No one here is gonna fight you on it. You made the thread, we made our suggestions... And you've made up your mind. I only hope you're hearing us.

Use a reputable product. Try to be healthy and protect your liver. And don't kid yourself, no amount of milk thistle will prevent liver damage from PH use. And don't associate the word MILD with PH either. And for gods sake, get over to Rui and get some actual pct. I don't see a need to debate it further.
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