250mg test cycle ("3rd cycle, last 2 were 500")


New member
I know it sounds stupid but I only want that edge right now. I would be COMPLETELY happy with 1/2 the results of my last 2 cycles. I feel like I am way more disciplined right now and my workout/diet are better than ever and I am already in great shape so I should be able to get 2/3 of the results I had before with 1/2 the gear. My free Test is 80 and my Test Total is 649 and one of the things I am concerned about is post cycle, I just hate fluctuating at the end, I would rather a much smoother transition just coming off 250 and cycling maybe 500 later in the year. I haven't been on here much the past few years but I assume a lot of people are like me and the mental aspect (motivation, strength, excitement for the gym/sports, etc) throughout the cycle skyrockets. I guess you could say its almost like you get another 1/2 from placebo effect just with the motivation knowing you're cycle is going, you do everything harder making me think I could get away with 250.

Any suggestions?
i would bump it a tad and if ur up to it an oral depending on your goals, but i do see the simplicity in your plan and if your mind is that powerful to make u work that harder then all the better for it.
Why shut yourself completely down for such a low dose? If 500 mg worked for you with no sides then it would make sense just to run 500 again.. Or if your set on running a low dose at least add in another compound. Your natural level and what you'd get from such a low dose will not be a huge difference,, you'd be shutting yourself down and still be having to go through pct and all the crap for hardly any net gain,, doesn't seem worth it just for a mental boost.
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If 250mg will get your test higher than your natural levels then You are fine at 250. My test levels were 290 so 200mg will get me feeling right! But if 250 doesnt get you above 649 its not worth it. And it cant be like 700 either. you would wanna be at least high within range IMO.

So maybe go with 300mg to be safe and get labs about 4 weeks in to make sure your test is in a good zone. If yes then keep it thr and if no then increase a bit.

Just my opinion .
I am confused. What am I shutting down...? I always thought I was adding to my natural test levels 649+250 which would get me well over 1/3rd higher levels. I mean, anything 1/3 more is a lot. Am I missing something?
I am confused. What am I shutting down...? I always thought I was adding to my natural test levels 649+250 which would get me well over 1/3rd higher levels. I mean, anything 1/3 more is a lot. Am I missing something?

No your replacing it NOT adding to it.. Your 649 goes completely away
I'm on TRT.. Testosterone REPLACEMENT therapy... I've replaced my naturally low levels of test and now inject 200 mg of test and now I produce none of my own test,, the 200 mg gives me a total test 800 ..
When I cycle and jump up to 600 mg it gets me to a total of 2450,, which is ideal for a cycle and bulking,, but never is it adding to my own cause I have none of my own the injected test shuts me down and replaces my own
I'm on TRT.. Testosterone REPLACEMENT therapy... I've replaced my naturally low levels of test and now inject 200 mg of test and now I produce none of my own test,, the 200 mg gives me a total test 800 ..
When I cycle and jump up to 600 mg it gets me to a total of 2450,, which is ideal for a cycle and bulking,, but never is it adding to my own cause I have none of my own the injected test shuts me down and replaces my own

Just curious, this levels on 600mg where measured how much days after you pinned??
Just curious, this levels on 600mg where measured how much days after you pinned??

12 weeks.. I was running a 16 week cycle, at week 12 I went to my doc because of BP and other issues, and got the blood work done. I was on deca as well.
Gear was all pharma, not UGL
12 weeks.. I was running a 16 week cycle, at week 12 I went to my doc because of BP and other issues, and got the blood work done. I was on deca as well.
Gear was all pharma, not UGL

I meant to say, how much days after the last pin?? Given your levels I think it was at least 6 days...
Ok gotcha.. Don't remember exactly but when the health issues popped up I stopped pinning and set my doc appointment.. So might have been 4-8 days is my guess.
As soon as you start adding synthetic test your body says well we have plenty of testostrone, no need to produce more and your natural test shuts down. Simply put.
Can you explain this? Why does it not add to it?

Also how does 200 mg give you total test of 800?

These are some really really basic things (I'm surprised you've even began cycling without having learned the basics)..
When you inject synthetic testosterone into your system your body it senses it has enough testosterone and so it stops producing its own testosterone (your natural test drops to nothing cause your replacing it with synthetic).. Hence the reason your balls shrink a bit and the whole reason you do pct.

Why does 200 mg get me to 800s total test--- well because blood tests tells me that happens. My natural testosterone is REPLACED with 200 mg weekly of synthetic,, the result of this is a total test in the 800s,, if my neighbor took 200 mg maybe he'd be a bit higher or lower, everyone's different.

But the scientific fact is that if you start running a cycle with 250mg of test,, your natural level will go to zero,, and your total test level will be whatever it is that the 250mg is capable of (my guess is you'd be in the 700-900 range.. Which isn't a huge increase over your natural level,, and again why it's not really worth shutting yourself down then having to do pct for such a small increase)
I am confused. What am I shutting down...? I always thought I was adding to my natural test levels 649+250 which would get me well over 1/3rd higher levels. I mean, anything 1/3 more is a lot. Am I missing something?

OP thinks that 649 test level is equal to 649 mg.... thats why he added 250 to it in his above statment. Thats why he asked why a 200mg dose give you a test level of 800. He thinks the mg dose is equal to blood levels.
OP thinks that 649 test level is equal to 649 mg.... thats why he added 250 to it in his above statment. Thats why he asked why a 200mg dose give you a test level of 800. He thinks the mg dose is equal to blood levels.

Yeah, not sure where to even start with that...