2nd bulk cycle planning

Ok so after researching a bit more I decided to bulk up after a Nat cut. Should be a few months so I have plenty of time to plan. My 1st cycle was the same except that I used Deca instead of EQ, ran the Dbol at 25mgs ED for 4 wks, the test was 500mgs wk for 10 wks, and no AIs.
This is the cycle I'd like to use this winter. Is it ok to have the overlap in Aromasin and post cycle therapy (pct) for 1 wk?? And to clarify, there is an 11day gap on the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) prior to blast before post cycle therapy (pct)?? Whats the negative on running the Dbol for 6 wks? If not rec, I'll do 4 wks @ 25mgs ED instead. Add USDA for liver support.

Wks 1-16 Test E or Cyp 600mgs wk
Wks 1-14 EQ 400mgs wk
Wks 1-6 Dbol 20mgs ED
Wks 1-19 Aromasin 25mgs ED or Arimidex .25mgs ED: adjust if needed
Wks 5-16 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500IUs wk; also blast for 10 days leading up to the start of post cycle therapy (pct) @ 1000IUs ED
Wks 19-22 Clomid 50mgs ED
Wks 19-20 Nolva 40mgs ED
Wks 21-22 Nolva 20mgs ED

Please, any advice and/or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thank u for looking
The basics of it looks good but I would personally up the EQ to 600mgs and run it the full 16 weeks. Personally I find there is a noticeable difference in the gap between the 400 and 600 mark in way of hardness and vascularity from your gains.
As far as the dbol, at 20mgs I don't see any issue with 6 weeks but only you will be able to tell once your running it, listen to your body.
As far as the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is concerned I would start with EOD (aromasin 12.5mgs or arimidex .25mgs) rather than ED at high dose, EQ does not aromatize as much as test or deca therefor there is no need to majorly suppress your aromatization from the start as you need estrogen, again listen to your body and adjust it throughout the cycle
Make sure you get blood work done around week 6 and have your rbc checked as EQ will elevate your RBC, also suggest giving blood sometime between week 6 and week 8.
To answer your question about running aromasin into PCT I will let someone else chime in as I run a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) protocol and do not do PCT

This is pretty close to the cycle I am currently running and Test/EQ is an amazing combo but your gains are going to be slow and steady so patience is the key when running the mix.
Make sure your diet is in check and geared towards your goals.
Good luck
Ok so I will change the Aromasin to 12.5mgs EOD and look for sides.
I Thot I read somewhere to stop the EQ 2 wks before stopping the test? I can bump up the dosage to 600 on that too. I was debating it before I posted.
Im planning on doing bloodwork before I start and around wk 6-8 to see how all is going. I will check on the RBC as well now lol.
Diet will be locked in before I even start. Always have old fashioned oatmeal for bfast with some kinda fruit or topping ifor taste lol. Usually a PB sandy too. Then snack is like chic breast, tomatoes, low sodium Alba tuna, and egg whites, then usually a chic salad with egg whites for lunch. Maybe a whole wheat pasta with ground Turkey and sauce. Then more tuna and eggs for snack. Then dinner I love to eat fish and veggies with sweet potato. Not a fan of farm raise fish either. Love salmon, tilapia, orange roughy, etc.
I was hoping for slow steady gains on this one. Good amount of cardio with heavy lifting n I should. Do nicely. Thank u for the suggestions Kazmir!! Appreciated
agreed. the key with eq is duration.

Am I misled in the belief it needs to be stopped 2 wks prior to ending test?? That's the only reason I ran it at 14 wks originally.

And also is the Aromasin and post cycle therapy (pct) overlap ok for the initial week of post cycle therapy (pct)?
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