2nd cycle advice and pct approval


New member
Hey guys, I am new here so take it easy on me. I am coming into week 6 of my second cycle. First some info about me...

25 years old
6 foot 5 inches roughly 12-14% bf naturally eating whatever I want
248lbs before starting second cycle 230lbs before first cycle.

All state wrestler through highschool

lifting hard for about 6 years (minus about 14 months during wifes pregnancy and first few months of my sons birth)

My first cycle was very basic 250mg of test E p/w 30mg of dbol e/d. I had absolutely no side effects besides a little agression and sweating and stinking like an animal. No Gyno nothing. Sex drive was fine after cycle, no depression nothing. I also held on to the majority of my lean mass gains and strength gains. I didn't do PCT either. Bounced back pretty quick. Cycle was only 10 weeks. stayed off for 8 months.

Stats now

272lbs (naked) 12% bf just finished a crazy 15 week bulking diet (its all I could take as of now)
I am assuming the crazy weight gain was due to my diet... 5000 Calories 80 grams of fat, 450 grams of carbs 400+ grams of protein 6 meals per day

Ive dialed it back to about 2500 calories 40 grams of fat 200 grams of carbs and 400+ grams of protein 4 meals per day. taking in regularly a gallon of water per day.

What my goal is to do is compete in the amateur NPC possibly in march. IDC how big I am I just want to turn some heads until I can reach my goal of being a body builder. I want to keep as much lean mass as I can and shed some fat quickly while doing pct correctly so I dont feel like death . Diet is on point I think and I do HIIT cardio 50 min 4 days per week.

Current cycle is as shown, however I do not know how long to stretch it out for or how much deca to use Ill have 2 10ml bottles 200mg per bottle and 2 10ml test e left 250 mg per ml ... so give me some advice please. When I am off I am completely off I do not bridge or cruise, I am currently not taking any AI due to not having any sides what so ever as far as itchy burning nipps or anything.

Weeks 1-8 Test E 250 MG per week.
Dbol 40mg per day (oral)

weeks 9-? Test E 500mg per week Mon&thurs
Decca Durabolin 300 mg per week Mon&thurs.

( I will also run test e 2 weeks longer than deca only at 250mg per week after last deca poke)

After last pin
weeks 1-2 40 mg of nolva e/d
weeks 3-4 20 mg of nolva e/d

I am aware my pct seems a little weak which is why I am here. I dont get out a lot and dont have a plethora of places to go for things like this so I am kind of limited... advice... comments and pointers please.
Ok few red flags here mate.

Eating whatever you want is not a good start, I'd want to see a nutritional plan in what you're going to be eating on cycle. It's not about how much you eat, it's about what your macros look like and their timing.
Also, you're incredibly heavy for 25 years old, especially if you think you're 12-14% bf. Seriously doubt it as you're heavier than 95% of the forum users here "naturally" Again, adds value that you're a lot more than 12-14% bf.

At 2500 calories a day you should get down to around 200 lbs for your height, give or take 5 lbs. To get to the size you are, you'd be on maybe 6000+ calories a day which from your numbers, doesn't stack up.
So I'm sorry, diet isn't on point.

Cycle >>> 8 weeks is a long time for dbol as it's a harsh oral.
250mg of test is next to nothing for a 25 year old. You may even produce more than this naturally......I'd say 500mg a week is the minimum.
As it's Test E, aim for 12-14 weeks for the ester to really kick in.

Don't go adding deca in there at week 9. You either run the deca the whole time or not at all. Deca takes a long time to kick in and you'd want to run it at least 14 weeks, then running Test 2 weeks longer than it so it has time to clear by the time you wait for PCT. Don't PCT after last pin, wait at least 2-3 weeks afterwards. Scroll up and search "PCT Calculator", this will help you decide your timing. 250mg of Deca isn't much either. That's the amount older blokes run when they want alleviation of joint pain.....

Three compounds is a lot for a second cycle. I'd recommend keeping it to:
Test E 500mg 1-14 (250 Mon, 250 Thu)
Dbol 70mg ED 1-5

Personally, I'd PCT with Nolva and Clomid, not just the nolva. You want to restart your HPTA properly....
I do apologize guys let me clarify. When stated above about eating anything I want that was prior to my first cycle being able to eat anything I want not necessarily watch my diet very closely and stay around that 242 250 range probably between 13 and 15 percent body fat I don't want to take 15 pages to type out how much raw chicken tilapia and tuna I prepare for the week. When I was poking my macros being 5000 calories 80 grams of fat 400 to 500 grams carbs in 400+ grams protein all food consumes natural non processed spaced out 3 and half to 4 hours a meal. majority of my protein come from the chicken tuna and tilapia listed above carbs majority come from oak meal and cereal in the morning rice later throughout the day. I appreciate your guyses concerning your guyses help the reason why I've kept the milligrams solo my natural testosterone production I test before my first cycle before this cycle had blood work done my levels were 368. okay so I should definitely consider getting an AI and I should use more than just Nolva when doing my PCT. and I don't know about standing around 200 pounds being 6 foot 5 inches that's extremely extremely skinny for me anyways being an endomorph I gain muscle and fat pretty easily not only that weight training for the last 6 years fairly consistently - the short. Of time of my wife's pregnancy it's hard for me to stay that low and to stay somewhat bulky as far as my body fat percentage I have my doctor test it when he did my blood work before I got on my cycle my doctor does not know I'm taking any antibiotics so I'm just kind of here for some guidance I've gotten some crazy strength and weight gains from the D ball and the test at the milligrams that I'm taking I didn't know if I stop the dbol and week 8 and started with a higher dosage of test in around 400 milligrams 300 milligrams of deca if it would help me...
It doesn't work like that. U should keep your test dose the same during cycle. Like mentioned deca doesn't instantly work. U need about 12-14 weeks of deca unless your pinning npp eod. U don't yet have a grasp on how gear works. U need research...
Ok. Completely understand. So I will hold on to my deca until next time. I will stop dbol at week 7 and continue running my 250 mg of test e until week 12. I will cycle off with Nolva and clomid. And 4 weeks after pct is done go get blood work done again. Then get blood work done again a week before I start back up. Would you advise on adding anything to the end of my cycle or just stick with the test e... I know deca durabolin and teSt e are both long esters and take a while to work, I just didn't know if I could add it in at the end. Thank u guys!
Cut your dbol down to 4 weeks or sign up for a new liver! No, u cant add long esters to the end of a cycle. Reread all the posts in this thread a few more times..
8 weeks is not that crazy for dbol. but anyway your are complicating things OP...

wk1-14 500mg teste ew
wk1-12 Deca
wk1-6 (or 8) Dbol
wk1-16 AI
wk16-20 PCT : Clomid and tamox

Stop touching doses and stuff, for what?

if second cycle I would rec only add dbol or deca with the test IMO, or even just go test only again
Ok. Completely understand. So I will hold on to my deca until next time. I will stop dbol at week 7 and continue running my 250 mg of test e until week 12. I will cycle off with Nolva and clomid. And 4 weeks after pct is done go get blood work done again. Then get blood work done again a week before I start back up. Would you advise on adding anything to the end of my cycle or just stick with the test e... I know deca durabolin and teSt e are both long esters and take a while to work, I just didn't know if I could add it in at the end. Thank u guys!
if deca takes weeks to start to notice and should be ran MIN 12wks IMO... why would you push to add it...