2nd Cycle Advice Please.....Test/dbol or Test/Deca


New member
First cycle was 500mg test-e - week 1-12

second cycle I was thinking of adding an extra compound in and upping the test to either 600-750mg

So im conflicted on either deca or dbol or both for a second cycle......I think I have plenty of growing to do on just another test cycle, with a dbol kickstart or is it time to add the deca in?.....my body soaked up the first cycle and I gained 15lbs and lost bodyfat.

im 29....been training 10 years and maxed out natty before cycled.

190lbs @ 5'11 @ 10-12% atm.

600-750mg of test-e - weeks 1-14
40mg dbol - week 1-4
HCG 250iu x2 week - 4-14


600mg test-e - weeks 1-14/15
400mg deca - weeks 1-12
HCG 250iu x2 week - 4-14

OR Test/Deca/Dbol at amounts mentioned.

PCT will be standard clomid/nolva

thanks very much
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You've done everything right so far, I commend you for that....

You basically have 4 options....

1.) Up your test dose and see how you fair with that.
2.) Add in D'bol as kicker - gauge results for future cycles.
3.) Add in Deca and learn how your body copes with a secondary compound for the duration.
4.) Up your Test dose AND add in one of the above - and learn to monitor estrogen levels...

Personally, I'd always go the Deca route, as I like what it does for my joints, but then again I'm an old(ish) man and I've had my fun with the other compounds.

I'd say it depends on your goal - D'Bol will give you strength gains and will get your cycle rolling really quickly, whereas Deca will add quality muscle and be kinder on your joints.

Either will be a good cycle for a 2nd run.

On a sidenote, I'd always start HCG from week one. I don't see the point in letting your boys get smaller and then trying to regain them... I'd try and keep them plump from day one. Just my opinion!

You seem like you've done the research, whatever you choose should go well and produce good results.

One thing I've always found to be a good idea. Buy yourself a 'cycle diary' and make a note of every pin and pill you'll be taking - that way you can't go wrong and stay on top of the cycle from start to finish.

Good luck.
You've done everything right so far, I commend you for that....

You basically have 4 options....

1.) Up your test dose and see how you fair with that.
2.) Add in D'bol as kicker - gauge results for future cycles.
3.) Add in Deca and learn how your body copes with a secondary compound for the duration.
4.) Up your Test dose AND add in one of the above - and learn to monitor estrogen levels...

Personally, I'd always go the Deca route, as I like what it does for my joints, but then again I'm an old(ish) man and I've had my fun with the other compounds.

I'd say it depends on your goal - D'Bol will give you strength gains and will get your cycle rolling really quickly, whereas Deca will add quality muscle and be kinder on your joints.

Either will be a good cycle for a 2nd run.

On a sidenote, I'd always start HCG from week one. I don't see the point in letting your boys get smaller and then trying to regain them... I'd try and keep them plump from day one. Just my opinion!

You seem like you've done the research, whatever you choose should go well and produce good results.

One thing I've always found to be a good idea. Buy yourself a 'cycle diary' and make a note of every pin and pill you'll be taking - that way you can't go wrong and stay on top of the cycle from start to finish.

Good luck.

Whoa thanks alot mate for detailed reply.... some good advice. I have a calendar I print out so I keep track of everything :)

I'm leaning towards (OPTION 2 and 4) 600mg-750mg test/e and dbol kickstart. Would 750mg be too high in youir opinion and just maybe go 600mg. I think I wanna go Dbol first see how I react and its easier to recover from and I believe has more manageable sides than deca....and then third cycle add in either Deca or EQ....with a Dbol kickstart because these esthers take 4-5 weeks to kick in.
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Whoa thanks alot mate for detailed reply.... some good advice. I have a calendar I print out so I keep track of everything :)

I'm leaning towards (OPTION 2 and 4) 600mg-750mg test/e and dbol kickstart. Would 750mg be too high in youir opinion and just maybe go 600mg. I think I wanna go Dbol first see how I react and its easier to recover from and I believe has more manageable sides than deca....and then third cycle add in either Deca or EQ....with a Dbol kickstart because these esthers take 4-5 weeks to kick in.

That's exactly the route I took... D'Bol first and Deca 2nd....

If you trust your source, and your Test is g2g, then 600mg will bring good results along with the D'Bol...

Enjoy the ride... and keep a log, I'll be interested to see the results first hand.
Thanks for your help mate.

test/dbol it is....source is reliable, so test/dbol should be GTG.

I'll take some before pics and pics at the end ....and record my starting/finishing stats and make a thread at the end.
Thanks for your help mate.

test/dbol it is....source is reliable, so test/dbol should be GTG.

I'll take some before pics and pics at the end ....and record my starting/finishing stats and make a thread at the end.

Yes good stuff bud. A log would be good to see how things turn out for you. Good luck man. With the test dosage and the dbol in the cycle you will be needing an aromatase inhibitor. I suggest you pick up some adex and start off at .5 e3d to control estrogen.
Yes good stuff bud. A log would be good to see how things turn out for you. Good luck man. With the test dosage and the dbol in the cycle you will be needing an aromatase inhibitor. I suggest you pick up some adex and start off at .5 e3d to control estrogen.

Yep got arimidex....I used aromasin last time and it didnt agree with me at all.

Thing I noticed from test-e only cycle is I didn't get any sides...not even a pimple.....but with dbol....I think i might start straight away with .5mg arimidex E3D.


I might log in this if you guys want.....will be good to keep me on track too, wont be pedantic, just weekly updates.
Yep got arimidex....I used aromasin last time and it didnt agree with me at all.

Thing I noticed from test-e only cycle is I didn't get any sides...not even a pimple.....but with dbol....I think i might start straight away with .5mg arimidex E3D.


I might log in this if you guys want.....will be good to keep me on track too, wont be pedantic, just weekly updates.

Yeah definitely run the adex throughout. It will also keep you nice and dry so you can see your progress without staring at a bunch of bloat. Are you going to run any blood test during the cycle? Hopefully you are one of the people that handles dbol well. Some people swell up and can't control their estradiol even with .5mg of adex a day. Good luck pal and I think you will have a solid cycle.
Yeah definitely run the adex throughout. It will also keep you nice and dry so you can see your progress without staring at a bunch of bloat. Are you going to run any blood test during the cycle? Hopefully you are one of the people that handles dbol well. Some people swell up and can't control their estradiol even with .5mg of adex a day. Good luck pal and I think you will have a solid cycle.

Thanks, I hope I handle it well...I just got bloods done....so have a good baseline, I'll look at getting them 6 weeks in to check if gear is working and if everything is on track....but I trust my source so shouldn't have an issue with that
My advice - Monitor your blood pressure daily as an indicator to see if e2 is on the rise,, Dbol can spike your e2 very quickly even if your running an AI, and that will spike your BP

For me running .5mg arimidex m/w/f is fine with high test and deca,, but with Dbol in the mix it still elevated my e2 big time.. I now run Letro as well when running Dbol (some guys aromatize much more then other guys though)
So I am strongly considering this I have everything on hand.

Test-E 500-600mg weeks 1-14
Deca 400mg weeks 1-12
Dbol 30mg a day weeks 1-4
HCG 250iu x2 weeks 1-14
Arimdex .5mg E3D adjust accordingly
Caber .5mg E7D

PCT Weeks 16-20

Clomid 50:50:50:50 (I cant handle over 50....100 plays with my head)
Nolva 40:40:20:20
DAA 5g a day

Loved the advice so far....if you guys think this is too much for a second cycle I will take something out.
I'd bump the Dbol to 40 mg per day.. I'd run NPP instead of Deca for your first go with Nandrolone,, a 5 day half life with NPP compared to a 25 day half life with deca.. it will kick in much sooner, you'll get better gains in the 12 weeks, plus you will be able to 'get out' if nasty sides kick in,, with deca, you'd have to ride out the storm.