2nd cycle advice..


New member
Hey guys, planning cycle number 2, just gunna put what i'm thinking up here to see what you guys think.

week 1-12 test e 250, 500 mg pw
week 1-4 dbol 45 mg ed

week 13/14- 17/18 rohm caps for post cycle therapy (pct) one am, one pm

First cycle was rest e for 12 weeks, went well enough.

should I run arimidex with this? or just have nolva on hand for just in case?

any advice appreciated.
Yes, definitely run the adex. Dbol aromatizes more than test, nolva on hand in case of gyno will be a good idea. Im not familiar with rohm for pct.
what dosage of arimidex would you reccomend? I think ROHM caps are just in the uk tbh, they have nolva clomid and proviron in them.
Gotcha. I personally start adex at .5mg eod and adjust accordingly. Some start at .25 eod. Get bloodwork done if possible halfway through to know for sure