2nd cycle ending anxiety


New member
Rolling into week 7 of second cycle
Sitting at 113 from 193ish
32 yo 12-14%bf

1-12Test Enth @ 500 wk
1-10Tren @ 250 wk
1-12Adex .5 eod

Here's my problem I jumped on the tren wagon, I love it. Every time I pin I realize there is less tren in my bottle and that this is going to be ending soon.

So I've been researching on bridging to another compound or just plan phasing it in an running a long cycle.
The right thing to do would be stop tren when it runs out continue test for 2 weeks then start post cycle therapy (pct)
Blasting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), running nolva and clomid and prolly some OTC test booster.

My question is how bad of an idea is it to run like this
1-10Test 500
1-10Tren 250
11-end test 250

8-23 eq 500wk
8-18 deca 250-400

Or I could just cruise for 4-6 weeks and start deca for 10 weeks.

Either way my post cycle therapy (pct) is gonna be 6 weeks if I for a long cycle route.

Opinions greatly appreciated
I'd stick to:
XEFLEC said:
1-10Test 500
1-10Tren 250
11-end test 250
but keep the test at 500mg. Tapering down on the test does nothing for you. Let the post cycle therapy (pct) finish, stay off for 16-18 weeks and start up again. Cruising is a sure fire way to end up on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), so if you enjoy having working balls - I'd just do it in the traditional manner and let your cycle end. Tren is pretty harsh, your body needs a break after it.

My .02c :)
It wasn't really a taper I want to drop down now to 250 but if I ran a long cycle I would just stay at 250.
I know what's right to do,that's just end and post cycle therapy (pct).
But ending a cycle mid summer was horrible planning on my part. Which is why I'm looking for cycle advice to ride it out alittle longer.

If I would have started my cycle out with deca we wouldn't be having this convo.
I would just phase in tren and a cutter and rip up. Instead of bloat up like what's gonna happen if I choose to run deca. Which is why I was kinda leaning towards EQ but running a 20+ cycle is alittle scary.