just finishing up 1st cycle pct maintained 7-8kg from it and at 12%bf so pretty happy with it.
I will be starting my 2nd cycle in about 10 weeks just doing my research and getting ready now going to do 150mg eod test p and an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) run from day 1. cut down via carb cycling 2 high days a week on shoulders day and legs day and then 3 medium carb days on arms,chest,back then my 2 rest days will be very low carbs with workout routine being 3 days on 1 day rest 2 days on 1 day rest a lot of volume training fst7's at end of each muscle group. not doing any cardio just keeping with the same resistance training methods.
Few questions around the cycle
1. Im looking at just doing 6 week cycles with 8 weeks off, keep them shorter, less sides, easy recovery, next to no testicle atrophy + from here on smaller gains shorter cycles will/should be easier to maintain. wondering what the negatives are about this, i mean my hpta will be shut down more times thoughout the year is this bad or because it is shutdown for shorter periods of time with easier recovery will it be alright. effect wise on endocrine system, in taking steroids i understand the dangers although would still liek to be as safe as possible.
2. I want to add t3 from week 2-6 so 4 weeks following a taper with 5% duration increase to max dose 40% duration at the max dose then 55% duration reducing down to zero... Should i not be taking it so early I am naturally quite lean, single bf% has never been a problem for me to attain. I like the idea of keeping things simple so this is on the contradictory really.
3. any1 run prami year round? not for the prolactin regulation benefits although GH secretion increase purposes, people keep on throwing around the statement from a study "400% increase in GH" although i can't find the journal article anywhere to have a look at statistical analaysis. I know it is quite a harsh drug and takes a fair while to get the dosage up to a point where it may be beneficial for gh although to purchase gh in aust it would more than likely be ghrp-6 or some bullshit so seems quite awsome, and i could imagine if prami was run for a long period of time it would need a slow reduction over time to come off it considering it is a dopamine agonist eh?
Thanks for opinions, appreciate people taking time out of there day to help
I will be starting my 2nd cycle in about 10 weeks just doing my research and getting ready now going to do 150mg eod test p and an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) run from day 1. cut down via carb cycling 2 high days a week on shoulders day and legs day and then 3 medium carb days on arms,chest,back then my 2 rest days will be very low carbs with workout routine being 3 days on 1 day rest 2 days on 1 day rest a lot of volume training fst7's at end of each muscle group. not doing any cardio just keeping with the same resistance training methods.
Few questions around the cycle
1. Im looking at just doing 6 week cycles with 8 weeks off, keep them shorter, less sides, easy recovery, next to no testicle atrophy + from here on smaller gains shorter cycles will/should be easier to maintain. wondering what the negatives are about this, i mean my hpta will be shut down more times thoughout the year is this bad or because it is shutdown for shorter periods of time with easier recovery will it be alright. effect wise on endocrine system, in taking steroids i understand the dangers although would still liek to be as safe as possible.
2. I want to add t3 from week 2-6 so 4 weeks following a taper with 5% duration increase to max dose 40% duration at the max dose then 55% duration reducing down to zero... Should i not be taking it so early I am naturally quite lean, single bf% has never been a problem for me to attain. I like the idea of keeping things simple so this is on the contradictory really.
3. any1 run prami year round? not for the prolactin regulation benefits although GH secretion increase purposes, people keep on throwing around the statement from a study "400% increase in GH" although i can't find the journal article anywhere to have a look at statistical analaysis. I know it is quite a harsh drug and takes a fair while to get the dosage up to a point where it may be beneficial for gh although to purchase gh in aust it would more than likely be ghrp-6 or some bullshit so seems quite awsome, and i could imagine if prami was run for a long period of time it would need a slow reduction over time to come off it considering it is a dopamine agonist eh?
Thanks for opinions, appreciate people taking time out of there day to help